You suspected it long before you knew it for sure.
Your spouse changed but you couldn’t quite explain the changes in a way that seemed to make sense to anyone else. You thought that you were imagining things, being insecure. Then you began to vacillate, worrying that you must be right but ... Views: 5480
The extent of the research and the methodology employed far surpassed any study before it. Published by the University of Chicago in 1994, the “public” version of the report was provocatively titled Sex in America. The scientific version carried the duller title of The Social Organization of ... Views: 3699
Divorce breaks the hearts of those involved — couples, children, parents, friends, church, and the heart of God. One of the greatest underlying events destroying marriages today is adultery. The following is a frank and spiritual message on how to save a marriage after an affair.
My fervent ... Views: 3985
“She’s pregnant by her lover. But she says she has come to her senses, loves me, and wants to save our marriage. My family practically hates her and wants me to divorce her and have nothing else to do with her ever. I don’t know what to do.”
Call him Jim. Call her May. Every year situations ... Views: 3525
“Our problem,” he said, “is that everyone in my life listens to what I say and does what I tell them. Then I come home and it doesn’t work that way with my wife. I don’t like that.”
She didn’t either.
The comment was neither unexpected nor unusual. In workshops for marriages in crisis, ... Views: 3663
You are not quite sure how you got yourself into the affair, and even less sure about how to get out of it. You are in love with your paramour but hate the sneaking and cheating. You vacillate between ending the forbidden relationship and giving yourself totally to it. You feel intense emotions ... Views: 13964
“She’s pregnant by her lover. But she says she has come to her senses, loves me, and wants to save our marriage. My family practically hates her and wants me to divorce her and have nothing else to do with her ever. I don’t know what to do.”
Call him Jim. Call her May. Every year situations ... Views: 3148
She could not look people in the eye as they greeted her. Head down, shoulders slumped; she headed to the nearest open seat and quietly slid into it. Her husband was a study in contrast. Confident, gregarious, he firmly shook hands and made polite small talk before striding over to sit beside ... Views: 6061
It isn’t unusual to overhear conversations like this. One lady told another that she should NOT stay in her marriage for the sake of her children. She offered the usual: make yourself happy; why should you be punished to stay with that guy just because he fathered your children; over time the ... Views: 4286
She interrupted my talk to tell me that I should say the word differently to make its meaning clear. Instead of intimacy, I should say it into-me-see.
She had a great point.
The Dictionary defines intimacy as “a close, familiar, and usually affectionate or loving personal relationship with ... Views: 3296
I love officiating formal church weddings. I especially look forward to that precise moment when the bride first steps into view, relishing the exquisite sensations of those extraordinary seconds. I watch her raise her eyes from her bouquet to his face, and without turning to see his response, ... Views: 3491
Type the question into Google and in less than a quarter of a second it returns over two million links. Some lead to articles, others to "sure fire" products that promise to solve all marriage problems, and others to blogs that say one can and blogs that say one cannot.
Employing the ... Views: 3831
You probably never meant for it to happen. It’s not as if you went looking for a lover.
However, once you fell in love with another person than your spouse, things got rather intense. You’re already in what some refer to as an emotional affair. Perhaps you’ve gone further and the relationship ... Views: 16901
The only time I believe in giving up on a marriage is when one of them dies, or if after their divorce one of them marries someone else, or if one of them continues involvement in an activity that makes the marriage impossible. Otherwise, I believe there is a chance to reconcile.
The first ... Views: 3199
We did an online poll for my visit with on-air personalities Woody & Jim today on 107.5 The River in Nashville. The question was, “Which is most important to you?” The choices were: 1) your mate takes care of his/her body and keeps looking good, 2) your mate fulfills your sexual desires but lets ... Views: 3673
Yesterday I talked with another wife emotionally involved with an old boyfriend she bumped into online on Facebook. No surprise there. Every month couples enroll in our workshop for marriages in crisis because one of them – usually the wife – had an affair with someone found on one of the social ... Views: 5393
Often it is the kiss of death.
One says to the other, “I love you, but I’m no longer in love with you.” The person speaking either wishes for a relationship with someone new or already has it. The “I love you” phrase often means, “I’m not really that angry at you; you’ve got some good ... Views: 4663
Live long enough and you learn this lesson: Anyone might do anything in certain circumstances. Just as bad people do bad things, sometimes good people do bad things; not just “minor” things, such as the proverbial white lie, but major things.
Including adultery.
Presidents, governors, ... Views: 5938
“You actually want to stay married to this guy?”
She didn’t hesitate a moment. Yes, she wanted to save her marriage. She and her husband were 40ish, married about twenty years, with a couple of children. One evening he told her he was in love with his assistant, that he already had a lawyer, ... Views: 7919
Question: Should I reveal to my husband events from my past, even though I believe he could never find out about them?
There is a threefold test I share with people who ask if they should tell their spouses either about their distant past, or about things that they’ve done since their ... Views: 6069