Taking personal responsibility for our actions is one crucial key to our spiritual growth. We must know the difference between our responsibility and the responsibility of others to avoid owning the results of another's poor choices. Avoiding the energies of blame, anger and regret, energies ... Views: 2532
My life has been one of spiritual awakening. As I look back on my life I see the struggle in being led by the things that made the body feel good, against the leadings that were telling me the right thing to do. Oh what a battle, and it still goes on. I'm choosing to do the things that make me ... Views: 1798
Love is the greatest power capable of being used by anyone on the face of the earth. If we would only use this power, we could change the way we live in a huge way. When we use love as a focus for guiding our lives and creating peace, we must look at our love in our experience. We must recognize ... Views: 1657
Recognizing Compassion in the self and exercising it will help tremendously in our spiritual growth. Our compassion for others is the measure of our spiritual awareness. When you accept yourself and others, it gives you the power to use your compassion and make a huge difference in your ... Views: 1403