If you saw the film Marie Antoinette, you’ll remember that it was all played like she was in a dream. At the end, when you saw the street scenes of Paris, it was like coming out of a dream. It was showing us the feeling that Marie Antoinette had no awareness of what was going on in the world ... Views: 3494
How can you tell he’s cheating on you?
No one wants to think their guy is cheating, but if you’re beginning to be suspicious, well, there there’s smoke there’s fire. Of course we psychics get a lot of calls about this – does he have another woman? Is he cheating on me? I haven’t seen him in ... Views: 27429
There is a reason why Chichen Itza again tops the list of 7 wonders of the world. One very good time to have a reading is at the change of the season, like vernal equinox and summer solstice. ChichenItza was built to maximize the equinoxes.
Another good time to have a reading is when you're in ... Views: 3166
SATURN RETURNS are some of the most important times in your life. Saturn Returns are every 30 years. The first Saturn Return occurs between the ages of 28 and 30. The second Saturn Return occurs between ages of 58-60. The third Saturn Return occurs between the ages of 88-90.
They are so ... Views: 3737
If you finally found the love of your life, if you’re like most of us all you want to do is be with him. In fact you’ve probably started to let things slide.
First it was the weekly computer night or bridge game. Now you’re passing on Movie-Mavan Monthly. Maybe you’ve quit calling your ... Views: 3390
Sometimes I'll look at someone's cards and see quite clearly that they were victims of abuse. When I mention it, they draw a blank. They'll say their mother and father were pretty good to them, and that they get along well with their spouse and they don't know what I mean.
It could be a past ... Views: 1798
Since I’ve had years of experience reading for people, I will tell you this. Most of the calls I get as a psychic are not about work, or investing in the stock market, or how to dress for success, they’re about your love life. There’s nothing more important to us. Being happy in love, and ... Views: 2204
There is a reason why Chichen Itza again tops the list of 7 wonders of the world. One very good time to have a reading is at the change of the season, like vernal equinox and summer solstice.
Another good time to have a reading is when you're in a transition - divorce, marriage, a new baby, ... Views: 1670