Have you ever experienced having totally conflicting feelings or desires about something?
I'm sure you have but I'll give some examples.
Wanting to become vegetarian and wanting to eat chicken occasionally
Wanting to wean your kids to their own rooms but wanting to snuggle with ... Views: 968
If you are some who looks back on their past with amazingly fond memories and never experienced any regret, shame, or sadness regarding choices you've made, then this article is so not for you.
This article is for the rest of us.
The ones who are either trying vigorously to forget the ... Views: 1447
I'm sure the title of this article alone has evoked all kinds of side-eyes and frowny faces. I'm sure you're thinking 'uh, how and why do I have to learn to be single? 'I AM single. I'm doing it now' Ahh you are indeed-but are you doing it well? Stay with me here. There is a difference to ... Views: 1161