Birth chart is a horoscope that illustrates the position of the stars and planets during the time and place you were born. It is also known as the natal chart, nativity chart, natus chart, radix and genethliac chart. The chart can tell several things about a person such as his personality, ... Views: 1271
As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is known for being fierce, spirited and dynamic. People born under this sign love challenges. They are independent for they are well motivated to fight to whatever trials they face in their lives. They are honest, are strong in leadership and are good in ... Views: 2299
A natal birth chart, also referred to as a birth chart or a natal chart, is a horoscope or astrological chart that is drawn from the exact time of a person's birth, and it give a revealing glimpse into a person's character by analyzing the position of the planets and the astrological houses ... Views: 22590
The Grand Cross in a birth chart symbolizes the person’s challenges and frustrations, his feelings of being ‘blocked’, his determination, and his success or failure.
Many people are fascinated in horoscope reading and what their birth chart tell them about their personalities, about their ... Views: 10765