How do you know that your brain is performing according or may be exceeding your expectations as well? You may believe that the answer to this question is by taking a certain IQ test that would determine your level of intelligence. Certain theories are found to be the guidelines that are being ... Views: 4543
A person can find various strategies in solving problems either if it's something personal of it has to do with something that involves business intentions. Actually there are several ways that are being offered in looking into solving problems the easier way, probably the public library or ... Views: 2407
Think about the word "Attract" and what it means to you. Do you wish you could attract good things into your life? You can do this. The Law of Attraction is as real as gravity and can be used to get the things you want.
Chances are you have had some experience with the Law of Attraction and ... Views: 1412
Have you heard about "The Secret" and wanted to learn more? Are you ready to begin to understand how the laws of attraction (LOA) can work for you in your life? If you are reading this it is because it was meant to be and this is the time for you to begin to explore the secrets the Universe is ... Views: 1471
Do you know how powerful your mind really is? Are you aware of the way your thoughts and emotions are the reason for all the things, both good and bad, that have come into your life? Think about the good and bad things in your life. We all have things we love about our lives and things we wish ... Views: 2986
The majority of us go through life very unaware. Lots of us think that there is a randomness in life that decides what we have and what happens to us.
If you never get beyond living in the reality that you have and dealing with the situations life gives you over and over again you will be stuck ... Views: 1502
The following information will assist you in figuring out what you truly want and help you overcome self-doubt while working towards your goals. Here are the steps:
Say in a clear way what you want.
Visualize what you want.
Be open and ready for your vision to become reality.
Say in a Clear ... Views: 1359
The Law of Attraction is very important and affects all of us everyday of our lives. The idea behind the Law of Attraction is that you draw into your life the things that your thoughts and emotions are focused on whether that be something you want in your life or something negative you don't ... Views: 2217
Any responsible parent would care about the safety of their children when they connect to the internet. They might wonder what is it that their daughters find so compelling about these websites with dress-up and flash games, and most importantly, if this is a safe activity for them.
Safety ... Views: 2792
Your mind has the power to attract people and situations and also to repel people and situations. It can be compared to a magnet in some ways. You can see examples in your friends lives of how this works. They are all different and unique and all have had a variety of different life experiences. ... Views: 5946
What the Universal Law of Attraction says is that the things that come into our life are a result of our thoughts being focused on them so we can attract good or bad things.
Usually we do not plan to attract things into our life. Our daily thoughts are focused on the issues we are dealing with ... Views: 1345
A lot of people think there is really no truth at all to the power of the Law of Attraction. These people need to be aware that even though they don't believe, the Law of Attraction is affecting their life and quite possibly the reason for the negativity in their life.
Wealth is what most ... Views: 1135
What the Law of Attraction says, in a nutshell, is that "like attracts like". This means that the things you think about the most are the things you will have in your life. So you may be wondering why we don't all have a million dollars, a mansion and a yacht since we all want to be ... Views: 1251
Do you know what high IQ or Intelligent Quotient actually entails? Do you think of it as a definite process that would make you determine that a person is really intelligent? So how do you define having a High IQ yourself? Let's go ahead and discuss High IQ in general so we'll be able to get a ... Views: 4945
The brain is the organ that is responsible for our thoughts and to enhance our mental ability, there are various ways that we can develop IQ accordingly. Take note of the following because these things may help you in discovering how:
Writing Is Essential
Do you write more often than you do? ... Views: 5396
You might be asking yourself if you are capable of getting a high score when it comes to IQ tests and if not, what should you do on your end to be able to obtain a score that's above average. Let's say that your initial score is less than 80, your chances of gaining above average would ... Views: 2993
Does subliminal perception really occur? Can anyone be able to observe something involuntarily without being conscious about it? These questions were raised to challenge the scientific validity of such claims. Experiments were conducted to prove that subliminal perception was indeed a ... Views: 1413
It is possible to enhance your intelligence quotient in a matter of 10 minutes. Some techniques to do so are discussed below.
Don't you want to enhance your IQ? Of course, you can use the brain power exercises and techniques. But these are long term and you would need to regularly practice ... Views: 4968
It is very much possible to enhance your intelligence quotient in a matter of 10 minutes. Some techniques to do so are discussed below.
Don’t you want to enhance your IQ? Of course, you can use the brain power exercises and techniques. But these are long term and you would need to regularly ... Views: 7145
Do you feel heavy in your head when you walk around? Is your score in IQ tests too low? You may not feel as active or quick as early or you may be forgetting very commonly used words. This need not be the situation that cannot be dealt with. You can eat certain food items which will help boost ... Views: 7495
There might be some people who claim to have a very good IQ because they have scored good in some tests. Some go to the extent of displaying their IQ score wherein sometimes the score is said to be as high as 120! The intelligence is directly proportional to the score – so is the prevalent ... Views: 4996
Chances are the most people will have an average IQ score. Very few people will have an above average IQ score. For instance if you are currently at 70, it would be difficult to cross the 100 mark. But the fact remains that, no matter where you start at you can definitely improve. Below are ... Views: 2777
Tom Teychman, head of New Media Venture Investors, who have earned 100 million pounds on various internet, believes that making great money - it is not very easy. Above all, there must be a compelling idea. Usually he gets 20 to 30 messages a day. Obsessed with going to work, spend their ... Views: 1262
Such trips seem to autogenic training. They can also be described as managed imagination. During this trip you imagine a story that you or someone tells it unfolds itself. Fly off into the world of fantasy only in a certain position. No, you do not need any preparations for the British "wheel" ... Views: 1436
We offer you a very effective method by which you can enhance the functionality of your brain and be able to learn how to focus on the important things. The technique is called "brain gymnastics", it allows you to increase speed of thinking and to improve your IQ test score. One has to mention ... Views: 3690
Our minds are often at the mercy of our feelings and our attention wandering unable to hold on to something long enough. Sometimes we feel like "on the horse", and sometimes can not meet, despite all efforts. How do I get rid of this burden of any external shocks? Many resort in this case to ... Views: 12064
Conception of the “Intelligence quotient” and its abbreviation IQ are well-known almost to everybody today. And everybody knows, that this quotient can be measured with the help of special tests.But most of the people not familiar with psychology know nothing about the main principles of IQ ... Views: 4193
As an owner of several sites, related to IQ tests and improvement of intelligence quotient I surprisingly often get questions like: “How can I officially prove my IQ level?”. People ask me for explanation, how could they become members of such organizations as Mensa or some other high IQ clubs. ... Views: 7974
Every of us at least once wanted to change something in his life. But where is a way to improve something, that seems to be “not improvable”? Probably somebody needs to change his behaviour, so his boss will notice: “This guy is not that looser that I used to see in the office”? Maybe somebody ... Views: 2441