I don’t think any of you need a doctor to tell you just how important the brain is. It’s our complete command centre, controlling everything in the body without us knowing and without us even thinking about it. Of all the organs of the body it is without doubt the most fascinating. ... Views: 1555
So, did you know the answer to the question I asked last week?
The tree in Hiroshima that withstood the almighty blast of the atom bomb was the 'miraculous' Ginkgo Biloba tree.
Along with a few hundred other readers, Mrs Danno, who lives and works in Tokyo answered the question correctly, but ... Views: 1362
Newsletter Number 30
You can’t escape it, you can’t deny it, us Brits are getting after and fatter. We’re not quite as big as our American cousins but we certainly top the European Charts.
As adults, we only have ourselves to blame but it’s the children that seriously ... Views: 1246