Now that I’m in my 50’s, I realize more and more that aging is an unconscious process and creeps up on you when you least expect it. Even though I feel healthy and take care of myself physically, there is always something showing up to remind me of my age. As I began my 50’s, my eyesight began ... Views: 1231
A woman that I met at a networking group called me one day for my opinion on something. Usually, I am more than happy to share my thoughts when asked. But this person kept me on the phone over an hour-and-a-half. I soon realized the conversation was one-sided, and I couldn’t get a word in ... Views: 1971
As a parent, we always want to teach and guide our children to do the right thing. We use our own life experiences, the challenges we’ve faced, and the lessons we’ve learned along the way to influence our son or daughter’s growth. This guidance helps form our child’s values, and will help build ... Views: 1179
I had the pleasure of spending last weekend with my 14-year old niece, Morgan, who competed in the National American Miss Pageant. You can imagine my excitement as her name was called and won the title of National American Miss, Miss Massachusetts Jr. Teen 2013!
Competing in this pageant ... Views: 1070
My brother Bobby recently celebrated his 55th birthday. And while I wasn't able to be with him, I know he was in the company of friends who love and accept him unconditionally.
Bobby is very special to me as he was diagnosed as a young adult of having Schizophrenia. It was a very scary time ... Views: 2584
If you knew how much time you have left to live, would you choose to live your life differently?
I started to think about this question when my son came home one day and told me about his friend’s mom who just passed away at 48 years old. She suffered a brain tumor that was discovered just a ... Views: 1197
I believe passionately that we are all born with our own natural gifts and talents, and that these gifts and talents not only shape who we are, but help us create a much happier human experience. The lens in which we see the world is viewed differently when we follow our bliss. When our heart is ... Views: 2277