6 months ago I opened the letter from my clinic and saw the results of my blood test. My cholesterol was 243. That’s high. Medication is often recommended for a cholesterol level above 240. So now I knew I had to do something.
I had just been in for a routine physical exam. I knew my ... Views: 1265
Want a diet that protects against heart disease, some types of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and a few other serious illnesses? These claims have been made about the Mediterranean diet. It’s one of the best diets you can follow. Some people say it’s more of a lifestyle than a specifically defined ... Views: 1727
Some foods are known to raise cholesterol. Some are known to lower cholesterol. If you replace the bad foods with good foods you double your benefit. Most of us know unhealthy food when we see it. But it's not so obvious which foods are really good, especially when it comes to reducing ... Views: 1292