The results of housework are all too fleeting. You spend your time performing boring tasks and before long, they need doing again. There’s not much scope for any earth-shattering achievements, right?
Wrong! A surprising side-effect of monotonous jobs is the activation of your creative mind. ... Views: 1341
Keeping our homes and feeding our families are innate human habits. And, thanks to today’s mod cons, this domestic stuff has never been easier. Why, then, do we still struggle to find the time for it?
One answer lies in the position of housework on our to-do lists, (ie not very high.) But ... Views: 2540
As a race, we humans have always had self-maintenance work to do. It’s part of survival. If you’re alive, it goes with the territory. So why, with all the modern advancements at our disposal, do we struggle to find the time for this primitive and basic care-work - looking after our homes and ... Views: 1238
or The Only Way to Get 5 Minutes Peace.
Picture the scene...
You’ve just collapsed onto the sofa with a drink and your favourite book/magazine/TV programme. The relaxing sigh is barely out of your mouth before you hear it....the summons.
Somebody, somewhere wants a piece of you. And ... Views: 1427
Do you lack motivation when it comes to housework? Are you struggling to think of good reasons to tackle the work...again?
It's a common problem. Keeping a home is a unique challenge - it is repetitive and monotonous, and since it will only need doing again, some would even argue it is ... Views: 9798