Not all markets are created equal. Some are bigger, better and more lucrative than others. Knowing how to evaluate a market is like knowing where to go fishing for a great catch.
Use these 11 characteristics to evaluate any market with ease so that you can take your business where there are ... Views: 1215
Desire: A strong feeling of wanting to have something.
Activate desire, and you are in business.
How do you activate it?
First, discover what people really want. Also, discover the language, feelings, colors, sounds, textures and other neural representations they use to describe and ... Views: 1262
In business, the basic idea is to lower costs, without sacrificing quality, and to keep doing so.
To achieve that goal, you must have a very good, clear understanding of costs. That starts by understanding the nature of the three types of costs. Strictly speaking, there are two types, fixed ... Views: 1476
The typical mistake made by most people in business is to get a product, build a business, and then find a market. I don't know why, but the natural way for almost all of us is to think of getting a product, building a business, and then finding the market.
However, the right approach is to ... Views: 1185
A man walking into a hardware shop is not interested in buying a hammer; he is interested in making a table for his dining room. That is what you should market to him; the ability to make a table, not the hammer. A man who wants to make holes in wood is not interested in drills; he is interested ... Views: 1292
In marketing, this is the golden number: Lifetime Customer Value (LCV). Yes, very, very few businesses know what their LCV is.
Knowing your LCV can enable you to be extremely competitive, it can allow you to take very good calculated risks on your marketing, the kinds of calculated risks that ... Views: 1052
In business life, most of the time, there are only four ways most businesses can increase their revenues. Knowing this very clearly, and knowing the details of each of those 4 methods, allows you to strategically plan revenue growth in your business.
Let us look at the four ways you can ... Views: 1089
Sometimes, in business and in life, it pays to look at the bigger picture, and to see how the small parts connect and relate to the whole. In business, pricing is something that concerns and confuses a great deal of people. The simple question, 'how much should I charge for this?' is loaded with ... Views: 1083
People love patterns, they like familiar things. We are creatures of habit and pattern.
When it comes to business, over time, people have come to expect to buy value in particular forms. The two most common forms are a physical product, and a service. However, there are 10 other forms as ... Views: 1185
Price is what you pay. Value is what you get. Master the art of making your value offer appear much greater than your asking price, in your customer's mind and emotions, and you will close a lot more sales. This is not manipulation. People are not stupid. What we are talking about here is truly ... Views: 1025
You are in business to sell something. You are hoping that people will want to give you money in exchange for what you are selling.
That won't likely happen unless what you are selling serves one of the seven core human drives of all humanity.
People are, at the core, the same all over ... Views: 1051
Think about it, we all want things quickly, we want them to be easy to use, we want them to look good, and so on. With or without thinking about it, we all consider 9 things whenever we are making a purchase. If you can master optimizing these 9 things in your product, you will be on your way to ... Views: 777
It is about time your marketing and business, heck, your life even, started working out successfully and predictably, isn’t it? How are your plans working out? Your marketing plans, your business plans, your product plans, your life plans, and all other sorts of plans? Do they work out exactly ... Views: 1169
There is a certain way you can act that is powerful. Acting is that which receives. It is a tool of creation, the others being thought and words. Thought, words, and action are the tools that you use to create your world.
Thoughts create on one level, the highest vibratory level.
Words ... Views: 1222
Not so long ago, people thought the world was flat. They looked out into the horizon, and it appeared to them that the earth ended somewhere far out there, and at the end of the earth, one could possibly fall off the edge and die. Therefore, people did not dare to reach the horizon, for fear of ... Views: 1482
Another way to look at the making of money is viewing it as a change of thought causing a shift in the way energy in the universe is exchanged. This is not so that you may start living like this, but just so that you may see that simply changing your thought causes a re-arranging of the energy ... Views: 1762
According to Wallace Wattles, in his popular wealth treatise called the Science of Getting Rich, said that, “There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches, and once these laws are ... Views: 3558
Today we would like to notice a very simple, universal yet hardly noticed principle of life. Noticing this will dramatically improve your life in all areas and situations – relationships, health, career, business, politics, sports – all areas of your life. Sometimes the simplest of things are ... Views: 1669
Fear has given the human race a difficulty since the beginning of time. Countless people have gone as far as failing to proceed with aspects of their lives simply because of fear, and countless more have been trapped needlessly in suffering simply because of fear.
How do you best release ... Views: 1015
People often ask, “How do I get rid of my fears?” It is either that or something similar to that. Fortunately, the answer is very simple. Once you get into the answer, everything becomes very simple, and fear lets go just like that! Let us have a look now…
We will start by looking at these ... Views: 1203
The riches to rags story is as old as the hills. It happens to corporations, countries, communities, families and individuals. One day you are up, the next day down. It may be short term or long term. And we have well established names for these states: broke, poor, bankrupt, and so on. This ... Views: 1507
There is a simple but very powerful way in which you can allow for more successes in your life right away. It is a way in which there is nothing to do really, yet you create so many new changes and successes. The first time you try it, it will amaze you as though it were magic. How powerful it ... Views: 1523
Let’s keep this simple. As simple as can be. What do you want?
More money? A new house? A nice luxury car? A holiday in France? A new boyfriend or girlfriend? An athletic body? Whatever it is, it is a physical result, is it not?
Why? For what feeling? So you can feel ... Views: 3166
How do you guarantee that your waking moments, your days, are successful, joyful, effortless, and deliver the results of your desires?
There is a way to accomplish this. It is a simple way but it requires a few steps that may be very different from your current habits. However, with ... Views: 1166
“Why does this always keep happening to me? Why me, always?” How many times have you asked yourself this? How many people do you know of who ask themselves this same question? It is a common question, isn’t it? So, how is it that we come to be stuck in time, with history repeating itself, and ... Views: 1137
Albert Einstein said that imagination is the greatest creative force. Why would such a great man say something that sounds so silly and trivial? Look at those words again: ‘greatest creative force’. Imagination? Not education? Nor money? Nor luck?
Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, ... Views: 1622
What is life? What is the most effective, powerful and fulfilling way to live it? How do I avoid pain and have success? These are questions just about everyone asks. Well, what is the answer then? To answer this question, here is the story about a race track, a high performance Formula One ... Views: 1147
There is such a thing as the thought behind the thought. This thought behind the thought is often hidden from us. It is the sponsoring thought from which the conscious thoughts arise. The sponsoring thought has a large effect on your life. It is responsible for much of the mysterious events that ... Views: 1210
There are some two very simple questions which, once you get their answers, can change your life dramatically for the better. This is so because these two questions relate to absolutely everything that you experience and create in your life.
Everything in this universe runs under universal ... Views: 1358
There are some two very simple questions which, once you get their answers, can change your life dramatically for the better. This is so because these two questions relate to absolutely everything that you experience and create in your life.
Everything in this universe runs under universal ... Views: 1362
The ease and speed at which you get from point A to B depends on the distance between point A and B. So, what is the distance between you and success in whatever field you choose? What is the distance between you and success in your marketing, financial, relationship, happiness or health ... Views: 814
Many of us have all heard the age-old saying that failing to plan is planning to fail. And many of us know the value and power that is found in setting goals, especially written ones. Every business guru, diet guru, sports guru… any guru… take your pick from the plenty there are… all of them ... Views: 870
What is The Way of the Business Warrior? If business is your game, get ready for the ride of your life.
First, let us begin with the obvious. In your business, you either make the sale, or you don’t. You do or you don’t, there is no try. You get the customer or you don’t, there is no try. ... Views: 1179
As a man thinketh, so is he. Once you realize that your world arises from your thoughts and emotions, that your outer situations reflect your inner state, you start to see a much larger pattern working in your life. You start to understand how your financial, relationship and health situations ... Views: 1093
What is capability? What can you do? What is “can”?
You say, “I wish I could do that. But I can’t.” Sometimes the thing you desire seems most evasive and elusive to you. You may seem to think that you need money or something else that is external to you for you to be able to achieve your ... Views: 1223