Who was it who said: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?" If only men understood just how devastating it is for a wife when a husband fails to be the noble man she had dreamed and hoped for.
With the Tiger Woods scandal making headlines recently, what does a tough-minded marriage coach ... Views: 1871
Are you stressed out? Have you noticed that when you are resentful, you become more sensitive to life's little issues? When you are stressed at work, do you come home and easily lose patience with your kids? Do you come home and resent your husband over some little things that he does?
Do you ... Views: 1162
Most of us would like to deal with life's problems with calmness and understanding. Instead we find ourselves reacting and becoming upset. The more upset we become the more resentful we become toward others. We become impatient with them and then we become impatient with ourselves. Soon we start ... Views: 1345