We see many kinds of Plants around us. Plants are of different Shapes and Sizes. Some are very big in Size. Tall Strong Plants are called Trees. For example BANYAN, PEEPAL and COCONUT Tree
Small bushy Plants like the ROSE and COTTON Plants are called SHRUBS. Plants smaller than SHRUBS are ... Views: 7978
ASTROLOGY is a Noble Science as old as the Ages of VEDAS. It is a Divine Science of Correspondences in that it applies Cosmic Principles to the Minutiae of every day Life.
Our Ancients had Studied ASTROLOGY and the Rules framed by them about Diseases, Personal Matters, Weather Forecasting, ... Views: 3302
“SELFISHNESS Kills One’s Personality and Spiritual Growth.”
A self-centered and selfish person lives only for himself. He does not know how to love and respect others. He argues and Quarrels over small matters and his life becomes but an endless journey in unhappiness. In the end he poisons ... Views: 5666
MIND is the Architect of our Fate. It can make us Sick or it can cure us.
Nature is evenly balanced. If Man is cruel performs wicked acts and does not live in conformity with the Natural cosmic laws, he pollutes the whole atmosphere with his unwholesome deeds. Effort is needed for a person to ... Views: 1623
The Cosmos has Nine PLANETS influencing Human Life in many ways. The PLNETS also have effects on our MINDS and SUBTLE Parts of our Consciousness.
The Entire Universe is made up of Five Great Elements ; AIR. FIRE, WATER, EARTH, and ETHERE .
In Ayurveda these Elements are called AKASH ... Views: 1386
IRON is a trace element which is needed by the Body for the formation of Blood. The Human Body normally contains 3-4 g of Iron, more than half of which in the form of Hemoglobin, the red pigment in Blood, Hemoglobin transports Oxygen from the Lungs to the Tissues. Iron is a constituent ... Views: 1402
The word MANTRA is composed of two root words. MAN means MIND or THINKING, and TRA means TO RELEASE or FREE . All MANTRAS have six aspects * A Seer or Rishi * A Raga * A Presiding Diety * A Seed Sound (Bija) * Power (Shakthi) and * Piller (Kilaka).
Utilizing MANTRA’s allows ... Views: 1536
The word MANTRA is composed of two root words. MAN means MIND or THINKING, and TRA means TO RELEASE or FREE . All MANTRAS have six aspects * A Seer or Rishi * A Raga * A Presiding Diety * A Seed Sound (Bija) * Power (Shakthi) and * Piller (Kilaka).
Utilizing MANTRA’s allows ... Views: 1501
Health according to World Health Organization “ A state of complete Physical, Mental and Social well-being.”
Health is the most exllent source for religious Merit, Material prosperity, Personal desires and The final liberation.
Our Life os full of reverses, ... Views: 1647
Numerology is the study of occult meaning of Numbers. Astrology is a study of the positions and relationship of the SUN,MOON,STARS and PLANETS inorder to judge their influence on Human Actions.
The cosmos has Nine planets. These influence Human life in ... Views: 3653
Astrology is a study of the positions and relationships of the SUN ,MOON , STARS , and PLANETS inorder to judge their influence on human actions.
Numerology is the study of Numbers , their combinations and their interaction in one’s life. ... Views: 3117