In all the years I have been working with children and parents, I am amazed at just how many parents believe they can tell their children what to do and their children should just “do as they are told”.
Well I am here to tell you: nothing could be further from the truth. Most of these ... Views: 6235
If you think backtalk is something you have to endure as a parent or have to control with strict limits and consequences, you are mistaken. If you follow 5 simple steps in the proper order you will dramatically reduce backtalk and become closer with your child than you ever ... Views: 2386
One of the most difficult stages of raising a young child is from 18 months to 3 years old. During this time, it can feel like there is a ball and chain connecting you to your child. It can feel like you are under your child’s control. Your child seems to be dictating your every move, and ... Views: 3155
There are many different levels of connecting. When you call out to your child from another room you are not yet connected, you are just putting out what I will term a location finder signal. By the second and third times when you don't get a response, your frustration is rising. You are in ... Views: 1551
Transition times are often stressful for parents and children. Your child may experience transitions in many different ways. Their response may be of great excitement and anticipation which puts them in an emotionally charged or at the other end of the continuum, they might be so engrossed in ... Views: 1597