Why Resume Summary is Important
We all know why we shouldn’t write objectives in our resume, objectives are utterly redundant. We know why you are applying for the position, to get it right?
Now let’s look at why your summary could say more about your application and why it is more ... Views: 1510
Resumes In and Out
A lot of ways, it tells about you; it commands if you would have your favourite healthy dish or end up eating fast food or junk food just to satisfy your hunger; it says if you would have a holiday break or save for rainy days; and most of the time it shows more about you ... Views: 843
How to write Resume Effectively
Resume is commonly called in North America and curriculum vitae in most of Europe and other parts of the world. Definitely a must have for anyone who is looking for a job. Your medium to your employer where you could make your best first impression in less than ... Views: 1044
3 Creative Resume Tips
I stumble on resume builder that creates your professional resume and show you how to make resume that lands you a job.
I never thought you could be creative with your application and still make it look great without overdoing it.
Here’s what I ... Views: 979
At this time, there are a lot of reasons why you're looking for a job
-Just graduated? And excited to get into action and be part of the work force and start your own career ladder and you realized that it isn’t that easy when you feel you are cut back
-After sometime you ... Views: 808