About Anger – The Different Styles
Where does anger come from?
Anger is an emotion. It stems from issues in your past that are both unresolved and unforgiving. These feelings are buried deep down inside you and can cause you emotional and physical harm.
Anger comes from a past environment of ... Views: 2142
To change from being a ‘victim to a survivor’ requires strength of mind, determination and focus. Changing a repeating pattern is a difficult task to tackle. It can be done but will only be done successfully with constant practice.
Why do you want to change?
Here are some examples to help ... Views: 2536
Definition of Victim:
Let's take a look at the role of ‘victim’ in adult marriage/partnership relationships and will explain how to change the role from ‘victim’ to ‘survivor’.
Here are some examples of the behavior and thinking of a ‘victim’.
1. A ‘victim’ is someone who believes they have no ... Views: 10932
Fog of life
When lost in the fog of life you’ll see a light that’s just in sight
Hold it steadily in your gaze and aim for it amidst the haze
Confusion and fear dance around
Stopping your footsteps as you waver aground
But still hold the light that’s in your gaze
And aim for it amidst the ... Views: 1880
Where does anger come from:
Anger is an emotion. It stems from issues in your past that are both unresolved and unforgiven! These feelings are buried deep down inside you and cause you emotional and physical harm.
Anger comes from a past environment of confusion, chaos and lack of ... Views: 14665
Step 1 ‘Who are you?’
I will attempt to explore all the avenues open to me in order to help you to uncover who you really are. I have often asked myself, ‘when did the change take place?’ I really can’t remember changing from a confident, articulate, independent person to a servile, frightened, ... Views: 1603
Betrayal comes in different guises.
Different types of betrayal:
• When a partner deceives you
• When people lie to you
• When someone cheats and robs you
• When people gossip behind your back
• When children trust their parents not to hurt them
• When you are let down by ... Views: 10140
Are you in the Waiting Room of Life?
Are you waiting for life to happen to you? Do you feel that you are sitting in a waiting room and that in the next room you can see through the window where true life is being experienced by other people? Do you want to enter that room but don’t know ... Views: 1489