As we look at bringing your business to the next level, I ask you a very important question: do you have a vision—a Technicolor snapshot in your mind of what your ideal life looks like? If not, create one. Not a goal; goals come later. Visions are more powerful than goals because visions have an ... Views: 970
As a business success coach I have worked with many women in business who consider themselves successful and who are considered successful by their peers. No matter how much you earn, how fast you find yourself expanding your organization, or how much satisfaction your gain from your business, ... Views: 905
If you called my office you will hear my voice mail message that ends with the words “Expect Success.”
There’s a important intent behind that. What if every time we made a phone call or personal request or met with a potential new customer, you expected you would be successful? Do you think ... Views: 1054
Happiness- you can’t beg for it or buy it or even barter for it. You can however create it and better yet sustain it. If you want to be happier long-term make creating and sustaining happiness a priority and apply the following happiness sustaining principals.
Choose it
The old adage, "people ... Views: 2382