Life on earth is a miraculous blend of spirit and matter, an expression of the universal life force at the heart of creation. Whatever you call that force--God, All-That-Is, the Eternal, the Prime Mover, the Ground of Being, Allah, Yahweh, Shiva, Zeus, or an name you invent yourself--you and me ... Views: 1259
"Marc" was nine years old when his mother was killed by a drunk driver. An immigrant with no other family support, he bounced through foster homes until he "aged out" of Child Services at eighteen, and the system abandoned him to sleep in his car.
He didn't waste time feeling like a victim. He ... Views: 1268
Life on earth is an miraculous blend of spirit and matter, an expression of the universal force at the heart of creation. Whatever you call that force-- God, All-That-Is, the Eternal, Prime Mover, Ground of Being, Allah, Yahweh, Shiva, Zeus, or Life itself-- you and I and every living thing is ... Views: 1471
A friend wrote to me:
I'm in the mountains right now, and having a terrible time with my muscles and with the altitude. I don't know if I'll ever want to come back here. But this trip did give me a chance to tell my brother about some things he said that upset me. It was hard to do because he's ... Views: 1114
Everyone comes into life with a purpose. You are a unique expression of the universal life force. Spirit guides you from the moment your life begins. The people and events of your life reflect your spirit's journey. No one else ever has or will affect the world as you do. With every act, word or ... Views: 3247