Work-life balance is very much an ‘in’ phrase and if you are like most people you would probably say you would like a better one.
But what do we mean by ‘work-life balance’ and do we really want one?
Generally work-life balance is taken to mean having a life made up of both work and ... Views: 837
I started researching business networking & social networking websites to find out how many there are and what they offer. Most of us have heard of Facebook and MySpace when it comes to the social side and to a lesser extent, Twitter of course, and LinkedIn is starting to emerge as the benchmark ... Views: 1373
So, you want to become a coach?
One thing you may be thinking about is what area you specialise in. There is definitely a case for becoming a specialist coach – you are likely to be perceived as an expert and therefore people will come to you and consequently you should be able to command ... Views: 1111
Have you ever been to a networking event and asked someone, much to your regret what they do, and half an hour later you are still standing there nodding your head feigning interest and wondering why you even bothered getting out of bed?
It has happened to us all…but the trick is not to ... Views: 1477
Are you one of those people who avoid business networking events at all costs? Perhaps you tell yourself that you are just not cut out for networking, that you are not the ‘right personality’ or you convince yourself that you really will not get anything out of a couple of hours ... Views: 664
So, you want to become a coach?
One thing you may be thinking about is what area you specialise in. There is definitely a case for becoming a specialist coach – you are likely to be perceived as an expert and therefore people will come to you and consequently you should be able to ... Views: 937
It was a member of one of my business networking groups who told me this tale when we were discussing the impact of the recession on our individual businesses. This story is so relevant to today's economic climate.......enjoy it.
There was once a barbecue restaurateur. But he was no ordinary ... Views: 718
It all started over two hundred years ago with oppression and taxation by the British crown and ended up with a war. I am not sure why the American nation chooses to celebrate its separation from the British on July 4th but as a barbecue enthusiast I can really see the benefits.
Being a native ... Views: 933
In the summertime there’s nothing like lazing around in the back garden and having an afternoon nap under the shade of a tree swinging gently in a hammock. I’ve tried to make hammock in the past and they’ve never worked very well and all because of one simple design flaw called ... Views: 3063
Planning a BBQ party can be hard work and sometimes you’ll be wondering why what seemed like a great idea last weekend when you were full of enthusiasm now appears to be a bit of a chore. Remember the definition of character. Character is what’s left after the enthusiasm for a ... Views: 1265
Business networking is increasingly recognised as an effective and efficient way of developing your business. By meeting up with other business people and developing relationships with them you can start to tap into their networks, expand your contacts and increase the amount of business you ... Views: 883
The war with the British finished in 1776 and that’s where is all started. It must have been incredible to be present at the first anniversary of separation from the British crown and free to make your own future and it’s not mush different today in that every year July 4th is an ... Views: 819
June is the month in which Father’s Day falls and despite of the in your face commercialism of the day it still make for a nice surprise to buy your old man something. It doesn’t have to be expensive but as always, how do you find something that won’t break the bank, will be of ... Views: 959
Working out how to barbecue an egg has become a bit of a family conundrum for me and this is why:-
It all started one drunken afternoon way back in the 1970’s when my Uncle Harold bought a new oven for his ultra modern kitchen. Of course, me being a very young lad was completely oblivious ... Views: 1099
It’s an annual pilgrimage and it takes place usually on the second weekend in June and it’s considered to be the greatest British sporting event held on foreign soil. Thousands of perfectly rational Englishmen (and some ladies) squeeze a small amount of belongings into a classic or ... Views: 858
Over Christmas I bought a Big Green Egg. I read all the marketing blurb in the brochure and it captured my imagination, I’ve already written about how good it is and published some kamado barbecue recipes but I was still intrigued to find out more about the origins of such a versatile ... Views: 3928
Networking is a powerful way of building professional relationships and generating new business opportunities. It is a reciprocal process based on the exchange of ideas, advice, contact and referrals. Although there is no one-size fits all way to network, it is important to remember proper ... Views: 873
Have you ever been attending a networking event have you ever been so engrossed in what you have to say and concentrating on promoting your business that that you have stopped listening and missed valuable opportunities? Or have you found yourself making quick judgements about people which have ... Views: 827
Just as it is for men in the world of business, for women in business, life is just as hard and some would say harder. I’ve started a new business and know exactly how challenging the small business enterprise can be to get off the ground.
I’m a passionate believer in business ... Views: 915
To make the most of business networking as a marketing strategy for your business it’s important to master the art of generating referrals. Before I go further into picking the right time to ask for referrals let me make one thing clear; referrals are not handed out on a plate and do not ... Views: 827
Marketing your business is an extremely expensive activity so making the most of the growth you can achieve through word of mouth is absolutely vital. It’s not just about talking about your business either, it’s much more scientific than and also much more structured.
Business ... Views: 756
Advertising is a very costly business and many small businesses find that money spent doesn’t necessarily turn into profitable business growth.
When I first started my first business I had little money to spare so I really had to challenge myself to find the best ways to market my ... Views: 774
Valentine’s day is just around the corner and it’s time for us men to get our act together and spoil our wives, partners, fiancées and girlfriends. St Valentine is the patron saint of lovers so it’s time to show our love so I’ve jotted down a few ideas and reminders ... Views: 1153
It’s interesting to note that before Henry Ford made the charcoal BBQ grill popular by link selling it with his cars creating the vision of day trips and picnics, charcoal was nothing but a waste product left over from the recovery of acetic acid and methanol.
In the early 1900’s ... Views: 1224
How many times have you heard about work colleagues who have phoned in sick because of food poisoning and followed it up with some comment like “I had a BBQ at the weekend, and I must have eaten something not properly cooked”?
To be honest I think some of them probably just drank ... Views: 1405
I’ve seen many lists of wood chips and what foods go well with them and it’s always struck me that this is approaching the problem for the wrong side. The wood chip is choosing the food and in my book it’s the food that chooses the wood chip! So when you see my list at the ... Views: 1477
Not so long ago I wrote an piece entitled “How To Have The perfect Barbecue” in which I lambasted most of my friends for burning food on the BBQ and shared my essential tips for ensuring a perfect barbecue every time. An alternative way to put it is “How to BBQ without ... Views: 2661
The history and tradition of charcoal burning goes back thousands of years and there’s something magical about cooking on a charcoal barbecue grill.
Charcoal is the traditional fuel for barbecues because it produces a hot, long-lasting fire that is virtually smoke free. The basics of ... Views: 1268
I find it amazing how many great chefs can cook excellent dishes yet fail to be able to write recipes in a clear and concise way that makes for easy reading and understanding. Many could do with working in manufacturing industry for a number of weeks and learn the skill involved in preparing a ... Views: 1586
To make the most of business networking as a marketing strategy for your business it’s important to master the art of generating referrals. Before I go further into picking the right time to ask for referrals let me make one thing clear; referrals do not come on a plate and do not come ... Views: 1099
Are you starting a new business? Or maybe you already have a small business? Whichever is the case you will no doubt have made business plan and started, planned your cash flow and probably frightened yourself as to where all your money has gone.
In order to generate new business it’s ... Views: 1021
The best backyard barbecue store is on the internet. This Christmas is set to be the biggest ever for online shopping despite the doom and gloom predictions of the retailers. Consumer confidence may have disappeared from the downtown shopping mall and it’s the online sector that’s ... Views: 1074
In my house it’s always down to me to cook the Thanksgiving turkey and I now use the barbecue smoker. For many years I’ve read loads of recipe books searching for menu ideas and everyone says something different about how long to cook the turkey for and my biggest complaint is that ... Views: 909
“Going out to Spain again? How wonderful!” many friends say to me.
Well, no actually it isn’t. Yes I admit the weather makes a pleasant change from the dreary precipitation of North West England and I do have some great friends where I work in Spain but at the end of the day ... Views: 3416
BBQ salads are the easy accompaniment to an outdoor cookout and do work really well because there’s many free barbecue recipes out there on the internet but sometimes I like my menu ideas to be a little different. In fact, not just different, something that can become a bit of a talking ... Views: 3385
The first food that I ever wanted to barbecue was a chicken on the rotisserie and I’ve never really stopped to wonder why. I guess it’s down to “the boy with a new toy” thinking in that the rotisserie spit came in the pack with the grill and a rotisserie makes to cooking ... Views: 883
Two customers have complained today and one of my suppliers just isn’t providing the quality of materials that I need. In short it’s been a rough day “at the office”. I’m a bit down but as soon as I get home my heart lifts. My children greet me and are itching to ... Views: 1147
Smoker Recipe Evolution
Smoking has evolved as a means to preserve food before refrigerators were invented or the canning process. How old is the art of smoking? Well no one really knows for sure but it’s been around a lot longer than any evidence that documents it. I’ve read that ... Views: 1127
When I first started writing recipes for my web site I received a lot of questions about “pulled pork” and how best to prepare it. Living in the UK I’d never heard of pulled pork so it presented me with a great opportunity to do some exploring and further my barbecue education.
Pulling pork ... Views: 1080
When I first started writing recipes for my web site I received a lot of questions about “pulled pork” and how best to prepare it. Living in the UK I’d never heard of pulled pork so it presented me with a great opportunity to do some exploring and further my barbecue education.
Pulling pork ... Views: 762