There are two main roads to improving your personal finances: increasing income, and cutting costs.
Increasing income is the harder road to travel. After all, you can't always get a raise or a new job when you need one.
But cutting costs, that's a different story!
You're in complete control ... Views: 2404
It's no fun being in debt.
Money shortages are always stressful and serious debt canemotionally drain you.
And yet, while you'll find lots of advice about thepractical aspects of debt management, there is preciouslittle help available for the psychological side of things.
Negative feelings ... Views: 2418
Did you know that many people retire broke?
It's true. After a lifetime of hard work and having earnedliterally hundreds of thousands of dollars, they end up withnothing.
So where did all their hard-earned cash go? The answer is,it passed right through their fingers.
While schools are great ... Views: 2250