My son’s autism diagnosis shook the foundations of my life. The future, my faith and even the present crumpled before me. Each day was a struggle to find any morsel of inner peace. Our son was somehow “broken;” not the perfect son for which we had hoped and prayed.
Days dissolved into ... Views: 2113
Bring on the Visuals!
For an individual who thrives on order and routine, our world is a scary place! Humans interact at record breaking speeds; everything we do is high speed, instant and ever changing. Even our homes and classrooms tend to be quickly moving people from one activity to the ... Views: 3329
Work has become tedious. The walls of your home seem to be closing in. You NEED a vacation. But the thought of traveling with your children, especially your child with autism, is less than enticing.
Families need vacations: time to escape the regular chores, schedules and routines of home ... Views: 1588
Imagine...after months of waiting and anticipation the moment has finally arrived! Your beautiful baby enters the world and life is the fullest it has ever been! As the nurse gently places your newborn in your arms she slips a book into your hands. “This is your child’s manual,” she explains, ... Views: 2061
Life at home with a child with autism is rarely easy. Changes in routine, unexpected visitors, difficulties with food, toileting and dressing can be disruptive to the whole family. Visits to the doctor or the dentist are incredibly challenging. Parents too often forego visiting friends and ... Views: 1707
You are a grandparent! Nothing can compare with the boundless love that a grandparent feels for their grandchild. No longer limited by the need to juggle work, home, school and raising children into mature, self reliant adulthood, the gift of grandchildren is one of life’s greatest blessings. ... Views: 1796