Chronic Disease…. Will you Die Before Your Time?
Chronic diseases—such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes—are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. Chronic diseases account for 70% of all deaths in the U.S., which is 1.7 million each year.
Think about this—7 ... Views: 2190
Eat to live—don’t live to eat!
How important is diet? Ask any professional bodybuilder and he will tell you that diet is about 85 % of bodybuilding. What this means is that you can do all the hard work you want in the gym, but you won’t see results unless you follow a proper diet. Yes, you ... Views: 2321
Weight Training: The Science and Technique
Let’s go over—in layman’s terms—the basics of how muscles are built. During a workout, the stress applied to a muscle results in the breakdown and damage of the muscle’s fibers. This damage is the muscle soreness that you feel the following day. ... Views: 1422
Sugar is addicting. Sugar (sucrose) is contained in almost all processed foods. I wonder if the “addicting” trait of sugar and its appearance in almost all processed foods has anything to do with the food industry’s desire to make money. What do you think?
The key to controlling your sugar ... Views: 1465
The weapons of choice against free radicals are antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules that can neutralize harmful oxygen radicals and are found in some vitamins, minerals, chemicals, bioflavonoids, herbs, and other substances. Not all vitamins and minerals work as antioxidants. In today’s ... Views: 1562
Why Weight Train?
Weight training’s many benefits are achieved by men and women of all ages who participate in it. I refer to weight training as the fountain of youth. It reverses the effects of aging. Weight training used to be associated with big, hulky, bodybuilders. Now, it is part of a ... Views: 1303
Drink Alkaline Ionized Water … The fountain of youth!
Water makes up about 65 to 75% of the human body. How important is it? Well, next to air, it’s the body’s most important requirement. Without it you can survive around seventy-two hours. Water is the main component of every cell in the ... Views: 2801