It has been n early two months since you made those New Years resolutions…. So, how are you doing? Here are a few questions to ask yourself.
Physically: Have I been eating well, avoiding caffeine, alcohol, saturated fats, sugar and simple carbohydrates as often as possible and eating good ... Views: 1454
Food control is difficult for most of us and certainly it is fine to indulge now and then. Life is to be enjoyed and so is food. However, stopping our eating can be tricky at times. We crave. We overeat. We feel bad about doing it. We admonish ourselves which can lead to more craving and ... Views: 1690
As emotional eating expert and author of the Taming of the Chew, I am often asked this question: "How can I take care of myself on vacation so I don't get too stressed and turn to food to calm myself and take care of my emotion?" Below are some suggestions to help you relax, have fun and take ... Views: 1448
As professionals, most of us realize the importance of making and checking lists. We may make packing lists, lists of presentation items we need to take along and lists of things to mention during our presentation. Some more organized people even have lists of lists! But many of us neglect to ... Views: 1695