Evaluate the Payoffs and the Price-Tags
1.None of us behaves in a certain way (not asking for help) without pay-offs. But when the price-tags become greater than the payoffs, we may decide to change or tweak our behavior.
Some of the payoffs for not asking for help are: approval and admiration, ... Views: 1421
The other day I was doing an interview with a radio host that specializes in Dads. After we’d talked a while, he made this comment: “I never want my kids to know what I don’t know. They’ll think I’m weak.”
That statement is an American as apple pie, isn’t it? Macho man! Never let them see you ... Views: 1256
Foe forty plus years, I’ve been an entrepreneur – so I’ve been in your head – I’ve been in your skin – I’ve been in your heart.
I want you to know what I never knew. That there was a barrier I was literally carrying around inside that slowed me down, kept me from reaching the total success I ... Views: 1224
Caregivers, like many of us, have grown up in this culture that says asking for help is a weakness. Some of us have grown up in chaotic environments where we never learned to trust enough to ever depend on anyone else. If you identify with eiter of these, you may be a Self-Sufficient.
That’s ... Views: 1286
How do I ask? And what do I say if they say “no” or” I don’t have time”? Do I slink into a corner and wish I’d never reached out and taken a risk?
Absolutely not! Instead think of me as your coach for the next page or so and let me take you through the ideas and steps behind being successful in ... Views: 3200