There is little need to speak in support of promoting positive human behaviour. It’s axiomatic to say positive human behaviour opens the mind, body and spirit to being more expressive, enthusiastic, creative, opportunistic, lateral-thinking, aware, receptive, enquiring , motivating…the list goes ... Views: 1058
You have reached your 50’s. You certainly aren’t old. The new 50 is the old 35, the new 60 is the old 40 and all of that stuff. You are not feeling any sense of decline. You are at the peak of your working career and getting many of the benefits of your hard work.
Do you remember a younger ... Views: 1638
Did you know that, as a rule of thumb, a tree's root system is something like one and a half times the depth and width of the tree? This is the real source of its strength and stability to withstand the forces of nature and more. What you see is only the ‘tip of the iceberg'.
Of crucial ... Views: 1159
Field hockey was for many years my sport. I played at the top level, trained hard and enjoyed the battle of mind and body. As I got older I started to feel the pressures, the harsh training and the fitness demands. I didn’t want to quit though, so I moved to playing in the Veteran Grades.
I ... Views: 1283
Gee I loved being a kid. Living for the moment, laughing for the sheer joy of doing so, letting my imagination run wild, not trying to be someone I wasn't, saying "yes I can do that" to everything I wanted to try, even if I wasn’t any good at it. I didn’t have to worry about getting a job, a ... Views: 3367
Remember the last time a long-term employee left your organization? Remember all the valuable things he/she could do that weren’t required in their job specification? The unofficial event organizer, counselor, mediator, computer whizz, to name just a few. Sometimes the person is remembered more ... Views: 1215
Science fiction? Advice to mothers? No, just a different way of looking at staff development programs.
How do you help your people to develop their skills, maximize potential and promote vigorous personal growth? Employers who attract and keep the best people focus on what I call ... Views: 1003
You're asked to make a presentation to a meeting or seminar. No matter how brilliant the material you plan to present, it can all fall apart in the telling. Here are some simple but powerfully effective check points to help you make winning presentations.
Research your audience as much as ... Views: 1158
It's after knock-off time and you're still at the office, working on a project you feel was made for you. You've become so absorbed in your thoughts and ideas and the sheer enjoyment of the experience, you haven't noticed everyone else has gone home. Your mind, body and spirit have come together ... Views: 1111
Imagine you're attending a live theatre show with friends. It's interval and the inevitable question comes up: What do you think of the show so far?” This particular show is rather different and it's vitally important to you - it's called “Your Life”. You're the star, the director, producer and ... Views: 1410
Does this picture fit you?
• sleeplessness
• being angry a little too often
• frequent frustration
• increased absenteeism from work
• presenteeism (going to work when you were so sick you should have stayed home)
• reduced concern for customers/ clients
• emotional exhaustion
• a ... Views: 1148
Recent studies have shown that ‘work life balance’ is the number one want of workers – even higher in priority than salary. And it’s not just younger people. It applies also to ageing workers, especially those who are starting to look to a second adulthood, one in which passion takes over from ... Views: 1015