Despite the decade-long war on cancer – the fundraisers, the walk-a-thons, the lapel ribbons – there are more people diagnosed with cancer today than ever before. In my opinion, the war on cancer will not be won with some miracle drug or millions spent on research, but with a few simple ... Views: 5485
Picture a 56 year old woman who recently suffered from a financial setback. Her ex-husband who supported her and two children is now out of work and suddenly she is thrust into a state of panic. Over the years she has suffered from constipation and now because of the stress she is experiencing, ... Views: 991
Do you suffer from itchy, flaky skin on parts of your body or the soles of your feet? Do you have dandruff?
Sometimes this itchiness can be particularly bothersome manifesting in large skin patches or deep grooves in the heels that bleed from time to time. Topical creams are only a temporary ... Views: 2237
Hair Loss and the Menopausal Woman
Hair loss is a big issue not just for menopausal women but for men as well. There are a number of factors to consider regarding hair loss:
Sub-clinical low thyroid.
Poor absorption of nutrition.
Hormone balance.
Sub-clinical low thyroid is something that I ... Views: 1136