It was over ten years ago that I sat in a doctor's office preparing to have yet another x-ray taken of my knee when I had a disturbing conversation with the technician. She told me that most people who suffered from the kind of pain I had never recover. I was in my mid-twenties and had already ... Views: 869
In 1993, when I was in my mid-twenties, I attended a couple Step Aerobics classes at my gym. Shortly after my second class, I noticed that I had pain in my right knee. I didn't think much of it, I thought it would go away on its own. I quit taking the Step class, it wasn't my cup of tea, plus I ... Views: 1170
The Basics of Trigger Points
Trigger Points exist throughout our muscles, but unless activated, they do not cause any problems. When a muscle is traumatized from an injury or physical or emotional stress, the Trigger Points become 'hot' or active. The belly of the muscle forms an adhesion ... Views: 1392