Why is stress so personally unique?
Why do one person's buttons get pushed when others' aren't? There are no direct connections between the external stressors in day-to-day stressful situations - the boss that upsets you, or the traffic, or the loud noise - and the physiological mechanisms in ... Views: 2594
The Mystery of Emotion
Emotion has always been something of a mystery. We have been taught to view emotion as a result of thought, but when we examine it carefully, we begin to suspect that this is not always true, that emotion is not under control of the brain but stands by itself, a factor ... Views: 2472
Physio-Emotional Complaints
Do you suffer with a disorder where emotion has upset your body?
* Chronic Pain without Medical cause?
* Pre-Menstrual or Menstrual Tension?
* Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
* Nocturnal Teeth Grinding?
* Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?
... Views: 2707
Do you suffer from:
• Unexplained Panic Attacks or Anxiety Attacks?
• Recurrent Terrifying Nightmares?
• Outbursts of Rage or Grief that you cannot explain?
• Flashes of memory of childhood emotional, physical, or sexual abuse?
• Heart stopping Terror when nothing is occurring to cause ... Views: 1916
The Schuman resonance stands for the electromagnetic waves caused by the lightning bolts in the earth's atmosphere and oscillating at very low frequencies, thus creating a kind of 'pulse', or heart beat of the planet earth. There are all kind of Schuman oscillations, but the 'main' wave pulses ... Views: 2162
The team got a call from one of the Real Estate agents we work with about a house she had for sale that had, “… really weird energy.” She said the owner’s sons always felt like there was something in the basement when they were growing up. They thought it might be the ghost of the original ... Views: 1596
I received a call from a women who was very nervous and concerned because every night when she went into her son's bedroom she would see orbs, orbs of light passing across the child's room. She told me her dog, who was very old and to whom she was very attached, had passed away recently. The ... Views: 2156
I got a call from a gentleman in Vancouver, Washington. He wanted to sell his house. He had been showing the house for 6 months and nary a nibble. "Something is wrong, something is driving buyers away," he said. We arrived on a beautiful, early fall day. The house was fabulous, a ... Views: 1316
The importance of a personal meditation practice cannot be stressed enough if you are to do the work of intuitive listening. Listening requires us to hear not only with our ears but our whole being. It is energy work at its deepest level; only in the stillness can we truly hear what is most ... Views: 2044
Saturday, February 20, 2010
What is Energy Clearing and why do we need it!
Energy Clearing is a way of being. It is a way of using all of our senses to become aware of our surroundings and recognize disturbances that affect our being in a negative way. Energy Clearing is a process of learning ... Views: 1868
What is a Ghost ?
I do not always see ghosts, but I sense and feel them, hear them and sometimes even smell them. When we physically die, our souls leave our bodies, and most of the time we move on to the other side. Once in a while a soul will choose, for one reason or another, not to go to ... Views: 1732
What is Feng Shui?
Where Intention Goes - Energy Flows
Feng Shui is a spiritual practice which helps us look at our environment and see
more clearing where we need work internally.
In my practice of Feng Shui I use these principles to help you clear the obstructions
and obsticles ... Views: 1557
Geopathic Stress
Geopathic Stress occurs when the earth's magnetic field is disturbed,
either naturally or artificially and the background field we normally experience is changed.
Geopathic Stress results in negative earth energies having a detrimental effect on us.
EMF ... Views: 5184
Space Clearing
Space Clearing / House & Land Ceremonies?
Most clearings and ceremonies can be done in 2-3 hours, depending on the size of the house or business. If your home or business is more than 3000 square feet, it is a good idea for us to talk about what specific problems and ... Views: 1932