I know this may be a controversial stand to take. "The Biggest Loser" is a popular show and many of my fans like it a lot.
It's not that I haven't tried to like it. I have!
But the bottom line is it is unhealthy. And I think many of the uses and abuses of the contestants should be a crime. ... Views: 4785
I know this may be a controversial stand to take. "The Biggest Loser" is a popular show and many of my fans like it a lot.
It's not that I haven't tried to like it. I have!
But the bottom line is it is unhealthy. And I think many of the uses and abuses of the contestants should be a crime. ... Views: 5157
For many people, we are living in frightening times. Doom and gloom pervade our news, our conversations and maybe even our dreams when we are sleeping.
Even those relatively unaffected by current economic trends are succumbing to the "F" word, F E A R. Just yesterday I overheard a woman in a ... Views: 999
If the invention of TV remote controls and video games ushered in the couch potato lifestyle, could a similar device rescue us?
Nintendo's Wii Fit, which debuted in late 2006, has grown in popularity, but is it a brilliant rescue device for the overfed, a novelty that will soon fade in ... Views: 5181
We've officially entered the holiday season. Studies show Americans gain an average of 10 pounds from October 31 to January 5.
Even if you don’t celebrate the actual holidays by overeating, the last two months of the year represent a more stressful period of time. There are many job-related ... Views: 1379
Lots of changes are occurring in our country right now. Elections, financial institutions failing, the Dow plunging, mortgage loan crisis, home prices deflating…
What does it mean?
Is there more than one way to react to these events?
Fear might be the natural impulsive reaction when ... Views: 988
With news and research regarding the childhood obesity epidemic, many parents are concerned about their kids' health, weight and eating habits.
Being overweight as a young child is very different than the same condition encountered as an adult. As many overweight adults will attest, the ... Views: 1516
At first glance, it may not make sense to be both overweight and a perfectionist, but the two are connected.
Logically, we know that there is no such thing as perfect. But does the emotional drive to be perfect affect you and your weight? A lot of people stay at a heavier-than-healthy ... Views: 2789
For people who've never struggled with their weight, the path to weight loss seems simple. Diet! Exercise!
People who have never struggled with excess weight have it all backwards – it's not their fault -- they've just been listening to the standard media misinformation we all hear.
Thin ... Views: 1054
Weight loss requires deep change in order to become "permanent."
Seeing the number on the scale go down is exhilarating and gratifying, but the mental and emotional conditioning that caused the weight gain must be changed as well. Otherwise, old habits have a tendency to resurface and the ... Views: 1132
Today, we are fortunate to live in an amazing culture of abundance and wealth. Think about the possibilities around us: a Starbucks on every corner, yoga of every imaginable type, a free-flowing stream of information on the internet, and an endless variety of food.
While some of the ... Views: 799
Any effort towards weight loss grows stagnant at some point. After the initial high of seeing the numbers on the scale descend, sticking points and plateaus are inevitable.
The usual reactions, including frustration and dwindling confidence, often lead to completely abandoning the effort. ... Views: 4744
More and more food labels are screaming "FAT FREE!" but America's weight is increasing. What's going on?
Eating "fat free" has been one of the most popular trends in recent years, but dieters are finding that adding fat to their diets, provided it is the right kind of fat, is helping them lose ... Views: 882
In the quest for weight loss, the diet industry puts a lot of attention on what we eat but focusing on why we eat may be more important.
After losing over 70 lbs. permanently and becoming a weight loss coach for others, I've found most people have a pretty good idea of what they should eat. We ... Views: 4429
There’s a lot of talk about fat in the media today. As the U.S. government heightens its “war on obesity”, fat is rapidly becoming a hot topic and more attention is being focused on the role body image plays in society.
The Good News
Americans are becoming more aware of the role of a healthy ... Views: 1145
You can have a positive effect on your health with some simple, straightforward guidelines. These are health tips, not necessarily weight loss tips. But making sure your body has the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs is the first step to losing weight. A body lacking these essential ... Views: 1015
If your New Year's Resolutions are still going strong, good for you! But, if you are like most of us, your resolutions were left in the dust long ago.
The average resolution lasts less than 72 hours. No surprise, that's the same length of most diets.
Why the short span for decisions so ... Views: 925
As summer fades into fall, this is an ideal time to assess your weight loss picture.
Now, be honest.
Has warmer weather helped or hindered your efforts? This is different for every person. Some people, inspired by bathing suits and warm weather, exercise more and eat lighter in the ... Views: 843
So, you realize its time to take your workouts to the next level in order to achieve your weight loss and fitness goals. Perhaps you've outgrown those dumbbells in your dusty basement or you are bored with your current workouts. Maybe the variety of exercise possibilities in a gym is a ... Views: 1726
Change is hard for everyone. It's human nature to want to stay where we are, to protect ourselves and to preserve the status quo. In making deep and permanent lifestyle changes that affect weight, we all encounter lots of "voices."
First, there are the little voices in our heads that say ... Views: 832
Successful weight management requires a lifestyle change that includes healthy eating patterns and lots of activity. Making far-reaching changes may be even more challenging if you are involved in relationships that promote or support an unhealthy approach to eating and exercise.
For example, ... Views: 892
The biggest roadblock to successful weight loss isn't the food you eat and it's not the exercise you do.
It's negative thinking.
Witness this scenario from one of my clients' weight loss journals (used with permission):
I should lose weight.
I ought to lose weight.
I need to go on a ... Views: 1035
For every 100 dieters, one will maintain their weight loss after 5 years, which is the marker determining permanent weight loss to the medical community. Research indicates diets actually add pounds in the long run.
Why are diets so destructive to our weight and health? Here are some of the ... Views: 869
I’m going to be straight with you. Permanent weight loss is different than the quick fix.
It is different in its scope: the changes made are long-term as opposed to limited in duration.
It is different in its approach: changing mental and emotional attitudes leads to healthier behavior ... Views: 853
In the quest for weight loss, the diet industry puts a lot of attention on what we eat but focusing on why we eat may be more important.
After losing over 70 lbs. permanently and becoming a weight loss coach for others, I’ve found most people have a pretty good idea of what they should eat. We ... Views: 827