It's only natural that we want to be "right" or feel that we are handling every situation to our best ability. But, the truth remains that it is not always the case. This becomes especially evident when we deal with people that are considered difficult, verbally aggressive, or just negative. ... Views: 2282
With any pregnancy, there are three options: Parenting, Abortion, and Adoption. It is important to have all the facts about all of your options before you make a life-changing decision. Yes, this will be a decision that will change your life no matter which option you choose.
Are you ready to ... Views: 1386
There are times when your parents may not be the easiest people in the world to talk with, and it is even worse if the subject of the conversation is something that you know will be upsetting. The important thing to remember is that if you are a pregnant teen, your parents are the people who are ... Views: 1443
Mardie Caldwell has helped thousands of couples build their families through adoption since 1986. She has dedicated her life and career to helping both birthmothers and adoptive families find each other, providing a safe and hopeful future for children. She is also committed to adoption ... Views: 2103
Regardless of the type of professional you are hiring, there are some essential questions to ask before committing to anyone. Most of these questions apply to both the hiring of attorneys, qualified adoption facilitators, social workers and private agencies.
The book Adoption, Your Step by Step ... Views: 1199
Eating right during your pregnancy is important, not only for the health of your unborn baby, but for your own health as well. If you are making plans for adoption, doing all you can to ensure your baby's health is essential. To give your baby the best start in life, you should begin eating ... Views: 1206
In the recent months and years we have been faced with extreme issues of tragedy:
" The attacks of 9/11
" The tsunami in Asia
" The extreme floods in New Orleans.
It is hard enough for us as adults to understand these tragedies; for children they can be extremely overwhelming. But children ... Views: 1224
April is Sexual Assault Month
Each month more than ten women of all ages and backgrounds contact our Adoption Center with the same experience - they have been victims of a date rape drug, and are now pregnant, with most women not knowing who got them pregnant. Just after Spring break, is a ... Views: 3436
Regardless of the type of professional you are hiring, there are some essential questions to ask before committing to anyone. Most of these questions apply to both the hiring of attorneys, qualified adoption facilitators, social workers and private agencies.
The book Adoption, Your Step by Step ... Views: 1009
The landmark day you became parents- it's pretty clear that the day of your adoption is not like any other day. It's the day you became a mother, your husband became a father, and your parents became grandparents. Your life is forever changed by your child and no other event will ever compare to ... Views: 1193
Adoption has changed. The process that once seemed cold, secretive, and formal has been transformed. Sure, adoptive parents must still deal with waiting lists, reams of legal paperwork, visits from social workers. But the heartening truth is the entire process has become faster, less costly, ... Views: 889