Having a cesarean section is major abdominal surgery. Because of this there are potential complications, risks and emotional elements that can impact the experience. To better help you get the most enjoyment out of your c-section and ensure your overall health and happiness, here are 5 items ... Views: 1029
If you've ever stood in the aisle of the skincare section of your favorite cosmetics department looking for a facecream to help you look younger and healthier, you know how confusing it can be to find a product that will help improve the look and texture of your skin.
As confusing as it is, ... Views: 2050
We've become a society obsessed with our looks.
It's been noted that we spend more on beauty products in thewest than we do on education.
Why are we so obsessed? Because it's easier and more affordable than ever before.Anti-aging skincare technology has progressed leaps and bounds. We know ... Views: 1348
Acne is a common skin condition that almost everyoneexperiences at some point in their lives.
While it is most common in teens and young adults,over 80% experience at least some mild form of acne.Most people outgrow their acne by their 20's, however,some people, especially women can experience ... Views: 729