Are you a single working woman? You dare to be different, dare to be independent and dare to be just yourself. You don't kowtow to societal pressures or family demands. You are single by choice (may be waiting for the right man or may be not). You are confident, happy and fiercely ambitious. But ... Views: 1302
What sets a Thai massage apart from other massages is that it does not work on a particular organ or a couple of muscles, but strives to work on the whole body. The Thai massage is a form of bodywork that has developed from the Chinese practices as well as from the Indian Ayurveda. It works on ... Views: 2062
How can you speed up your metabolism and lose weight? When you deprive yourself of food, your body reacts protectively against an ancient threat: famine. Your resting metabolic rate the calories you burn just to keep your body going drops to a lower level to conserve energy. Your body works ... Views: 1370
When you choose foods that take you longer to eat and are low in calorie density , it will help you consume less calories and you will feel full. The good news is that " you don't have to give up foods that taste great " Feeling full after a meal results in a complex signal to ... Views: 1219