If you boil corporate leadership down to its bare essentials, executives around the globe really only have two key missions:
1.Build Business—increase revenues and profits, grow volume and market share, expand into new territories, create new business alliances, etc.
2.Build People—help ... Views: 918
Asking your direct reports questions rather than always telling them what to do is a key way to develop their abilities and help them grow. That said, there is one question-word in your leadership tool chest that I suggest eliminating altogether:
Why? (Couldn't resist... ) The very ... Views: 873
It’s 7:30 p.m. on a Thursday evening, and you’re still at the office preparing for a presentation you’ll make to top management early the next day. You have just hung up the phone after speaking with your spouse, and the annoyed voice on the other end of the line still rings in your ears. ... Views: 899
In this article, I want to address the issue of executives and their planned holidays that simply turn into “working somewhere other than the office.”
Do any of these scenarios sound familiar to you?
- You choose your hotel or resort because it has a wireless connection that will allow ... Views: 1203
Many years ago, a mentor of mine told me something very profound. I asked him what it was that kept certain managers moving up the corporate ladder while others stopped. What he said has never left me. He told me that those leaders who did not progress to the top stopped being coachable. A ... Views: 2390
As a busy exec, you're constantly pulled in many directions. Headquarters wants your profit projections for next quarter a week in advance of when you planned, there's a line of direct reports at your office door waiting to meet with you, your inbox is filled with 200+ unanswered emails, and a ... Views: 1067
Most senior leaders use negative language on the job without even realizing it. It may come from destructive phrases used unconsciously, the use of cynicism in your language, or simply from an unfortunate choice of words. When leaders use negative language, it can have destructive power on ... Views: 970
Here are a few “Do’s and Don’ts” to follow as you learn to craft and master your own individual customer-centric brand image:
1. DO: Take the time you really need to thoroughly define your desired personal brand. If you don’t know what you want to stand for, it’s 100% guaranteed your ... Views: 1598
Personal Branding Myth #4: Personal Branding Is “All About Me”
Do you think personal branding is all about you? If so, think again! The truth is that a well-defined brand for yourself is really about your Audience – the person or people you most want to impact with your brand at work and in ... Views: 912
As a leader of an organization, let's face it: You can't do it all yourself. So, you know you have to delegate, and you do genuinely try. But lately, you've found your to-do list getting longer... you spend most of your time in back-to-back meetings... your normal workday has extended to 12+ ... Views: 996
Imagine a life without clutter: No mail piled up in your “in” tray, you easily stay caught up on your e-mails. Your productivity is up, but your schedule isn’t packed. You avoid interruptions, arrive on time to appointments, and leave the office early enough to enjoy quality time with your ... Views: 1306
What would you say is the most critical success factor for business growth in your company? If you’re like 91% of the respondents in a recent study of CEOs in North America, Europe, and Asia, you would say “developing leaders.” In this article, we’ll explore why leadership development has become ... Views: 1056
Do you find yourself frequently falling behind in your tasks even though you work 12, 14, or even 16 hours a day? Do you find that at the end of the day, you still haven’t finished your to-do list? The truth is that learning how to manage your time can make or break your success as an executive. ... Views: 1245
As a senior manager or executive, you’re constantly faced with making difficult decisions. Most of the time, you can make those decisions based on experience, on financial analysis of the situation, on input from a colleague or your boss, or even perhaps based on pure instinct. But once in a ... Views: 1089
Let’s face it: These are tough times in the lives of executives. The markets are topsy turvy, layoffs are rampant, stock options are under water, and people are running scared. For expatriates, add in the complexity of living outside your home country, and all of this can leave you wondering ... Views: 1176
What are the biggest challenges facing successful business people today? In my work as a certified executive coach for C-Suite Executives, Directors, Managers, and Entrepreneurs, there are many recurring themes that seem to surface. One at a time, I’ll be sharing with you 12 of those top ... Views: 1193
Every day at work, you run the risk of damaging your individual – even if you don’t think you have one. How is this possible? Well, your brand is the way people perceive, think, and feel about you in relation to others. The people you work with already have perceptions, thoughts, and feelings ... Views: 1358
Let's say you pick up a box of cookies at a supermarket because the packaging catches your eye. It looks upscale, gourmet, delicious. But, when you open the package and try one of the cookies, you're disappointed. The cookies don't taste terrible, mind you, but they don't taste any better than ... Views: 1922
This couldn't be further from the truth! True personal branding is not superficial. It's more about understanding who you - and, therefore, 'YOU™' - are. That's right - the Trademarked You. This is how you are like shampoo. But just like in corporate branding, no matter how much money a company ... Views: 1045
Statistics show that, on average, only about 10% of college grads write a thank you note after an interview. So, should you? Absolutely! It’s a great way to distinguish yourself from the sea of other candidates, and it will help your individual personal brand stay memorable. In fact, if you’re ... Views: 1300
As a college student getting ready to graduate, do you find yourself worrying that you’re at a disadvantage in the job pool because you don’t have as much experience as older applicants? If so, you’ll be glad to hear that you have some definite advantages while looking for a job just by virtue ... Views: 1284
“You can’t complain on a Saturday.”
I paused, certain that I’d misunderstood. “Pardon?”
“Our Complaint Department is only open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Central time. You can call back and share your complaint during those hours.”
It was hard to believe that I ... Views: 1103
What do more than 50 seasoned college recruiters from top-level corporations and universities say are the biggest mistakes college grads make in job interviews? That’s the question I recently posed to recruiters from companies and schools like Google, Disney, Sony, and Stanford University. The ... Views: 2257
Q: The terms and phrases used in branding confuse me. Help - what do they all mean?
In my 25 years as a brander and a marketer, I have seen a lot of confusion around what the various elements of branding and marketing mean. So, don’t worry – you’re far from alone!
As we kick off this new ... Views: 1232
In his 1985 book, Ogilvy on Advertising, David Ogilvy famously said, “The consumer is not a moron; she is your wife.” Of course, he’d have a hard time getting away with that kind of comment today, but his point is still a valid one.
The truth is: Too many businesses think of their target ... Views: 1168
You took the time to create a great cover letter and resume, and they did their job – you got the interview.
Now, you’re ready to walk into the door of the company’s building, and it’s the moment of truth. You really want this job, but what can you do to give yourself the edge over others vying ... Views: 1388
One of the most common misconceptions about searching for a job is that the person with the most or best experience is the one who gets hired. Truth is: You’re more likely to be hired for a job based on your connection with the interviewer than on your qualifications. And the best way to forge ... Views: 1216
Let’s face it: There are never enough hours in the day to get everything done – especially when you’re running a business. So, focusing on a topic like personal branding may end up at the bottom of your “To Do List.” Just how important is personal branding to the success of your overall business ... Views: 1872
Can anybody deny the world has gotten much smaller over the years? In fact, these days, working globally has become the norm. But this can potentially bring on challenges when it comes to traveling to different countries with your personal brand in tow. After all, every culture is different, and ... Views: 1073
You may already know that defining and communicating your unique personal brand on the job is a powerful way to further your career. But have you ever thought about the connection between your personal brand and your company's brand? What role does that "connection" -- or lack of a connection -- ... Views: 1323
When you hear the words personal branding, do you think, "That's for people who are into how they dress," or "That's for people who are into self-promotion?"
Unfortunately, those are just two of the myths that people often believe about personal branding. As a result of these myths, the ... Views: 1502
How is your personal brand doing? Are you presenting yourself in the best possible light and making YOU™ (The Trademarked You) the brand of choice in your career?
Watch out! If you don’t believe you actually have a personal brand, think again. Just by virtue of being you in your career, you ... Views: 1360
In today’s topsy-turvy marketplace, job security may seem like a pipe dream. In the midst of downsizing, stock market confusion, and layoffs, how can you make sure to keep your name off any pink-sheet list? One key way you can create employment insurance is to learn to define and effectively ... Views: 1224
So much has been said, discussed, and argued about the "economic situation" in the past year. Is it possible that there is a stone unturned on this topic? Well, yes there is ... because the way you communicate your personal brand in this economy can have a big impact on how well you weather the ... Views: 1878
What do Sir Richard Branson, Barack Obama, and Suze Orman all have in common? They have each built powerful personal brands that have propelled them to the top of their businesses, their careers, and their lives. How did they do it?
Like other successful personal branders, they took the time ... Views: 1293