By the end of December most of us are beginning to think about making resolutions for the new year. Each and every year these well thought out resolutions are declared proudly and create a new sense of lightheartedness as the anticipation for a new and more improved life is ahead. Within 4 weeks ... Views: 1003
I tend to be a binge worker. My most productive times are when I immerse myself in a project and get a days, or even a week’s worth of work done in one sitting. It has always been like this and so I never really thought about why I was like that. I know that when I am most productive I become ... Views: 1557
“The enemy is fear. We think it is hate; but, it is fear.”
Mahatma Gandhi
There are basically two major motivators in our lives, fear and love. The problem is that fear is the one that we predominantly use to dictate what decisions and what direction we are going to take in our lives. When ... Views: 1578
How would you like to be happier with your life and happier overall in five simple steps? Did you know that happiness is 50 % genetics and depending on who´s formula you follow the rest is a combination of your circumstances, your attitude and what you choose to fill your day with. When you are ... Views: 1763
We all want to have what it takes to succeed. But actually having what it takes to succeed is often much more involved than we know. When we do not or are not willing to look at ourselves objectively we often overestimate how far we are willing to go to reach our dreams. By not looking at our ... Views: 1096
This is absolutely true. Have you ever found yourself shopping for clothes and you find that perfect item or perfect outfit that just makes you feel fabulous? I think most if us have. We look in the mirror from every angle and admire how fabulous we look.
Ahh that is a magic moment. If we are ... Views: 2892
Managing your time effectively is essential to your overall happiness. It can make or break your stress level and absolutely control your world. When that happens it is really difficult to reverse its effects on your life and mindset and can make it increasingly hard to stop the negative ... Views: 1732
The Benefits of hiring a work life balance coach can be invaluable. In this article you will learn some of the benefits you may encounter when hiring a work life balance coach.
Are you overworked, stressed, unable to be in the moment with your family or at you job? Are you exhausted, ... Views: 1508