If you are really serious about improving your practice by getting more new clients to come in through those doors, you need to have a great marketing plan in place. Marketing for chiropractors is such a great plan because you get to use marketing tips for chiropractors that focus on spreading ... Views: 606
The fact is healthcare practitioners know how to take care of clients. They know this very well indeed and are very good at it. But many are not good at taking care of the business side of the practice?
Every practitioner knows how to treat pain, symptoms and illnesses, but when it comes to ... Views: 595
As a massage therapist, you come in to work each day, see your clients, make them feel better and go home. You feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing you made someone feel better and much happier. Life is good.
The problem is getting clients to come to your practice on a daily basis. Then to ... Views: 1104
What is the pathway to success in practice? First, let’s look at what it is not;
Many of the practitioners are not achieving the success in practice they desire… and deserve. They do not achieve what they want because of one or more of the following 5 reasons:
1. They don’t know what they ... Views: 607