Our emotions play a big role in our lives- but for many of us the role they play is too much the improper role of master of our behavior and not enough the proper role of trusted informant of where we are placing the creative power of our attention and thus what we are in the process of creating ... Views: 3221
One of my all time favorite analogies for understanding life is that of the charioteer. Think of yourself as the driver of a horse drawn chariot. You hold the reins to two very powerful horses. One horse is the Body horse- it represents the appetites and passions of the physical body- the 5 ... Views: 1538
It's common to think of the words vain and ambition together. Vain ambition is often the culprit behind the downfall of people who accomplish amazing things- only to eventually "fall from grace" or to sacrifice their standards in order to maintain their status or their reputation as someone ... Views: 1535
Just like there are a myriad of different symptoms of stress, there are likewise a myriad of different ways we as human beings have learned to deal with or “cope” with stress. As I’ve thought about it, I’ve come up with four major categories of stress mangement strategies. The first three ... Views: 1597
Stress comes in countless forms, and for many, is a constant, nagging companion that weighs us down, blinding us to the brilliant beauty all around us, sapping our strength and energy, and leaving us feeling tired, frustrated, anxious and dull. Stress keeps us from fully enjoying the present, ... Views: 1095
Much has been said about human nature. Some believe that human nature is inherently good and others believe that human nature is inherently evil and self-centered. There is some truth to both of these views. The reality is that our human nature is inherently "multi-natured". We all know ... Views: 1945
Our ego has a lot of needs. It wants to be safe, it wants to be comfortable, it wants to be stimulated. But most of all it just wants to be appreciated. Appreciation is the deepest need of our ego- deeper even than love (at least what the ego thinks of as love). The ego craves appreciation ... Views: 9531
Gratitude- we know it's important to have, but it's not always easy to remain grateful during our day as we allow our attention to stray away from thoughts of gratitude and towards thoughts of stress and lack. Feeling gratitude has become much easier for me since I started using a little eight ... Views: 1323
Let's face it, we all compare ourselves to others multiple times every day. Since comparing ourselves to others is something we do so often - we might as well learn how to do it right. By right, I mean with the result being that we feel more grateful about our current situation, not less ... Views: 3563
We have all had moments in which we have desired to be BETTER. Not richer, thinner, more popular, but BETTER. A deep inner urge to rise above our natural self and become our TRUE SELF. This is much more than a daydream, it is our SPIRIT prompting us, calling out to us to WAKE UP and do what ... Views: 864
Self-esteem is a phrase that has come to mean a lot of different things. In some ways self-esteem is a self descriptive phrase, but it has also become a controversial concept with many different meanings. We know self-esteem is important to have, but have also been taught that it’s possible to ... Views: 1222