With the introduction of medications, like Viagra and Cialis, to the marketplace, and their widespread acceptance and popularity, erectile dysfunction no longer appears to signal the end to a satisfying sex life.
The miracles of medical science have empowered millions of men to continue their ... Views: 6916
Erectile Dysfunction Quackery
Extravagant promises of "instant recovery" and "increased virility" from questionable remedies, claiming to cure male impotence, are nothing new to those seeking a cure for sexual dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction quackery is as old as impotence itself.
And ... Views: 1425
In 1920 the book "Searchlights on Health, The Science of Eugenics: A Guide to Purity and Physical Manhood" was published.
It sold over one million copies.
The book, by B.G. Jeffries and J.L. Nichols offered advice, of a moralistic and medical nature, to both men and women, young and old, on ... Views: 9892