In Need of Deepening
Paul Dunion
Sometimes, we settle for knowing what we experience by having an understanding of what it isn’t. So, it may be with the idea of depth. Typically, we know it isn’t about being superficial, shallow or mundane. We use the language of depth ... Views: 491
Episodic Intimacy vs. Committed Intimacy
Dr. Paul Dunion
There are at least two expressions of emotional intimacy, with one gaining increasing popularity. Episodic Intimacy is the one becoming more and more in vogue. It can offer some advantages that don’t come with the ... Views: 657
Seeking Meaning Beyond Trauma
Dr. Paul Dunion
For many, the search for genuine meaning remains a desirous life-long pursuit. There are many expressions of meaning. How do we know when our lives can actually be characterized as meaningful? On a very fundamental level, ... Views: 705
The Challenge of Complex Trauma and Facing Ambiguity
Dr. Paul Dunion
Survivors of early complex, developmental trauma have little or no resiliency to effectively respond to ambiguity or uncertainty. Their resiliency is compromised by an overriding need of the ... Views: 791
A Five Stage Re-entry into the Here and Now
Paul Dunion
The idea that it may be worthwhile to live as much as possible in the here and now seems to have been reduced to a minor spiritual axiom. Recently, while having dinner with an old friend who has enjoyed a generous amount of ... Views: 688
Leaders Shamelessly Lost
Paul Dunion
Leaders are especially vulnerable to the cultural mandate that they are not supposed to be lost. Laurence Gonzales’ seminal work, Deep Survival, suggests that when leaders are lost, denial of being lost is inevitable. “Being lost then, is ... Views: 728
Seeking Balance
Paul Dunion
What is balance? Is it a good thing? If so, how is it acquired? Before addressing psychological balance, let’s explore the analogy of physical balance. We say that if you can stand on one foot while holding the other foot uplifted, you have ... Views: 1106
Building Bridges – From Divisiveness to Unity
Paul Dunion
We all love hearing beliefs that are indistinguishable from our own. What can we make of this propensity to rejoice over conversations where the participants agree, confirm and even applaud our beliefs? The ego ... Views: 685
A Blessing For the Peacemaker
Paul Dunion
Kabir says, “When deep inside you there is a loaded gun, how can you have God?” Kabir appears to be reminding us that our relationship with the divine is dependent upon living with diminished inner violence. As one who desires to make ... Views: 660
Black Lives Matter – From Altruism and Beyond
Dr. Paul Dunion
Our streets are talking to us. The talk is loud and mostly true. It says, “Black lives matter”, “Marginalization of some hurts everyone”, “Separation breeds ignorance and fear”, Leadership from ego cannot hold those ... Views: 871
A Blessing for the Meaning-Maker
Paul Dunion
You, you maker of meaning, you have dared to honor your task by participating in creation. The gods look kindly upon your devotion to deeply touch your experience with curiosity and wonder. Such faithfulness intimately bonds you ... Views: 879
Blessings For Dreams Lived and Unlived
Paul Dunion
I watched you with eyes of the heart. You sat alone in the den in that old beige chair, with a dim lamp appearing to struggle to shed enough light for reading. You sat night after night, your glasses tipped ... Views: 693
Addressing Familial Estrangement During a Pandemic
Dr. Paul Dunion
Social distancing is the prescribed way to prevent the exponential advance of our pandemic. Due to complex schedules and a hectic lifestyl social distancing as well as emotional distancing are often common features of ... Views: 843
An estranged family prioritizes the autonomy and individuality of each member at the cost of sacrificing emotional connection to one another. Similar to all groups and communities, an estranged family is attempting to cope with the tension between honoring individual preferences and beliefs and ... Views: 872
An enmeshed family diminishes the value of individual members while prioritizing the wellbeing of the group. The enmeshed imperative is: Are you giving enough to others? Weak boundaries do not successfully separate and honor individual preferences and needs. There is a way to be, and individual ... Views: 920
Reality Eclipsed by Virtual Reality
Paul Dunion
There appears to be increased alarm about young males becoming obsessed with playing video games. The concern may be approaching epidemic proportions as there are now counselors and psychologists identified as experts who treat ... Views: 641
Dr. Paul Dunion
Parentification of children happens when parents are either unwilling and/or unable to effectively parent their children. Parental absence may occur because of mental illness, addiction, arrested development, medical issues or unavailability due ... Views: 762
Dr. Paul Dunion
Parentification of children happens when parents are either unwilling and/or unable to effectively parent their children. Parental absence may occur because of mental illness, addiction, arrested development, medical issues or unavailability due ... Views: 780
There is a cultural phenomenon deserving our attention. That is, the increased appearance of families committed to looking good. We’ll examine some of the actual dynamics in a looking good family and attempt to name what drives parents to create such a system. We’ll conclude with some ... Views: 839