Much like the California gold rush back in the day where not many people were enthusiastic about finding gold until the initial few actually gained the Midas touch, the internet has had its share of spam sites, programs, courses and jobs that have cheated many. Don’t let that deter you though; ... Views: 1314
There is no denying 2009’ was the most tumultuous year in terms of financial, emotional and regrettable decisions we may have made. But as we have learned drudging through the muddy waters in our society together we have also become much wiser to make prudent decisions in 2010’ and many years ... Views: 1648
As we close 2009’ there is a real sense of despair amongst the masses who have been victimized by this historic and life changing financial collapse and unemployment pandemic. People from all walks of life and in every community are looking for ways to make money that will replace that old job ... Views: 1501
The Internet craze has caused a massive opportunity for anyone to sell anything to anyone anywhere in the world once they acquire the tools necessary to work through maze of rhetoric and misinformation surrounding internet commerce. We are in a Mega Information Era and the speed at which ... Views: 1429
Today’s financial economy is such a mystical, un-tangible atmosphere of banking, mutual funds, stocks and bonds and the mainstream 401k that no one seems to know where to turn for answers and solutions that will allow them any sort of stability with respect to their financial picture. We have ... Views: 1346
“It’s not about what’s on the other side, it’s about the climb”
There are movies in history that touch the lives of many but it’s usually due to the violence, action, key word phrases or some other stimuli other than our sense of well being and self awareness that embeds them in our ... Views: 1339
September 25th, 2009’
“Networking to create money or working for Net?”
Simply put, our schools and their curriculums will no longer be viable for this mega information era we are in with the internet, social media and network marketing taking over as our medium of exchange.
In the ... Views: 1551
“The 3 types of people and the role they play in our future”
When times get tough we tend to forget what makes the world go around. Financial collapse, big government control and collectivism, bailouts and an overall mood of apathy towards life is the recipe for disaster if we don’t wake up ... Views: 1705
“An APPLE a day keeps the doctor away”
In the wake of the largest economic collapse and media controlled propaganda, most people are looking to someone or something to provide some much needed answers on what to do to survive in this era of unrest and uncertainty. We have been beaten into ... Views: 3201
“Don’t listen to your boss, listen to that voice inside your head”
When we hit that all annoying alarm clock, suck down a few cups of caffeinated coffee, put some sugared cereal into our kids bowls and take that early morning shower, where is our mindset really? Most likely it’s not on today ... Views: 1754
“Where were you when the world stopped turning?”
Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery and no one knows when the world stopped turning. But, make no mistake, the world as we know it, or as our minds have created it, has changed forever and no one told us it was coming. Or did ... Views: 1734
In the midst of the largest socioeconomic breakdown of the 21st century, the new twenty something era and the young entrepreneurs must take a stand for freedom with the help of coaches and mentors if we are to have a chance of regaining our freedoms and most importantly that American Spirit that ... Views: 1422
With that 4 year study endurance test out of the way, a piece of paper that states we have a BS, BA or some other two letter insignia, and the debt racked up with paying for that piece of paper, do we really know what college costs us?
I think the time is well overdue that we get caught ... Views: 1499
Commodities—Alternative Actions and investing for today’s Mega Information Era:
To begin any new venture, we must first learn the language and lingo of the discipline.
Commodity Trading is nothing more than a huge supermarket of tangible goods (cocoa, sugar, coffee, lumber, ... Views: 1468
Does the government "really" believe a "bailout of the banks" is going to elucidate our total monetary collapse? If "we the people" are going to have any hope of surviving and thriving in this current "debt based society" we MUST WAKE UP to our surroundings and educate ourselves to what is "true ... Views: 1877
You do not have to look far to receive negative propaganda for the day. The media has become a "playhouse of sensationalism" to keep America into the entitlement mode. We must WAKE UP and take back our right to Free Enterprise Networking. In this Mega Internet Driven commerce we have to tap into ... Views: 1270
The old saying if we want to marry a devout Christian girl, we must first convince or negotiate with the father, hence social leverage at work. In the business and financial world leverage is the utilization of restricted or restrained resources that are linked to a much broader resource base ... Views: 1363
A few short years ago we used to start our day by walking the dog or getting our coffee fix, now it is logging onto our networking magnet, the internet and checking our emails or waiting for the responses we put on to Craigslist or Facebook the past evening. This epidemic phenomenon has changed ... Views: 1252
There is no doubt the two most monumental days of a parent’s life are when their kids go off to kindergarten and when they graduate from college. All parents raise their children wanting them to succeed in life no matter their chosen path or discipline. They aspire for them to have more, make ... Views: 1304
As we enter into the summer of 2009 our entire socioeconomic lives are feeling the strain of the financial meltdown. There has never been a better time to rethink and reposition our efforts and mindset with respect to our portfolios, or lack thereof.
The old school concept of financial broker ... Views: 1265
In defining any period in history, due to our programming and our current economic and educational paradigms, we usually use macroeconomic models in our conclusions. With our current state of complete and total disarray in our financial systems, it's inevitable that most of society have went ... Views: 1487
As we shift into overdrive in this new Financial Paradigm and socioeconomic environment the internet and economic collapse has helped fuel, we must shift our focus when it comes to our networks. It's been said our "Net Worth" is directly related to our "Networks". In other words, who we choose ... Views: 1362
As we enter into the July 4th weekend of 2009 the anticipation of spending extra days with loved ones, meeting old friends for a barbecue or just hanging out in the campground with our kids gives us that renewed feeling of freedom to choose how we want to spend our time. Let's face it, time is ... Views: 1931
With the Financial and socioeconomic breakdown within our current paradigm in full force and effect, the masses are in a state of complete isolation and so many are afraid to take any sort of perceived financial R.I.S.K. This can lead to missed opportunities, a continued reliance on the old ... Views: 1339