It’s kind of a funny thing, that expression “It scared me to death.”
[Recently discussed by Geoff at Debbie LaChusa's Money Success Happiness blog at] In my work with people, and in my own personal life, one of the biggest components of happiness, success, ... Views: 1098
It started before the election returns were even coming in, much less votes being cast. After months of being saturated with the incessant doom and gloom (great new Rolling Stones song about that, by the way) of all the political advertising, the media
immediately pounced on the next thing for ... Views: 1128
How many times have you heard this when you ask someone how they’re doing: “I’m FINE! And you?”…and, you simply KNEW that you were being fed a line of hooey? How often has that happened to you with men as opposed to women? Perhaps, in these times, it’s an even more important question to ask, ... Views: 1785
Do you ever notice how much time you spend trying to “figure out what’s going on” in your life…and in your relationship, if you’re in one? If it ends up being a fair amount of time, how’s it working for you? When you do get some “answers,” what’s the most common result you get from having ... Views: 1435
Whether or not you’re currently in a relationship with a lover/partner/spouse, you know that relationships of ALL kinds are a crucial ingredient in what makes life worth living (at least that’s how I look at it). You probably also know that managing a relationship with anyone easily and quickly ... Views: 1446
Three years ago, a young 22-year-old man my son knew was walking along a local overpass that is one of the busiest traffic corridors in the Boulder area.
For some reasons that we’ll never really know, this young man – deeply loved by his family and his friends – made a decision; one that ... Views: 1673
Sometimes, less is more. If you apply that maxim to relationships, what kinds of questions or thoughts does that conjure up for you? Where do you imagine that would be true for you and your partner? Maybe it could apply to how much time you both spend distracting yourselves…maybe it’s about ... Views: 1180
Ok, if you’re not a Pink Floyd fan – and/or haven’t listened to the Dark Side Of The Moon album (it’s been pointed out to me recently, by the way, how badly I’m dating myself by even using the term “album”) – this article may take you a bit more time to get in the groove of.
There’s a song ... Views: 1674
CAUTION: If you happen to be someone who doesn’t have ANY kind of Spiritual path/philosophy you care about (or don’t believe YOU have a Spirit that guides you in any way), please don’t read any further. Doing so will either confuse you and/or piss you off.
It can’t be a secret to you how ... Views: 1731
Do you have trust issues with your partner (and/or someone you’re not romantically involved with)? If you don’t, you’re a rarity. With so many couples I work with, it looks like communication’s a major issue (which it is), but more often than not, the more fundamental issue you’re dealing with ... Views: 1752