Thoughts are vibration.
The vibration of thoughts creates allowing or resistance to what you have asked the Universe for. Once you ask for what you want, the Universe delivers a vibration that matches yours. But, the way that you tune your thoughts affects your ability to allow your good ... Views: 990
You can use the Law of Attraction to create any desire, but you MUST be in a place of cooperating with the universe. Visualization can help you to do that, if you understand the 3 steps to deliberate creation.
A lot of folks have focused on visualizing as the key to creating results using the ... Views: 1052
One of the most important concepts to understand when you want to manifest a new result is that it is easiest to get where you want to go if you start from a place of inspiration not desperation.
There are two things I would like to consider here. First there's your attitude. I think you will ... Views: 2347