I caught the tail end of a conversation between two fellow senior citizens:-
Senior citizen No 1. ….. “well, it helps to fill up my day and, thank goodness, makes the day shorter”: Senior citizen No 2. “the days aren’t long enough for me … I can never fit everything in … since I retired I ... Views: 1104
It is said that the first thing a man does when he wakes in the morning is to look out of the window to see how the weather has changed overnight, and the first thing a women does on waking is to look in the mirror to see what the night has done to her face. Enough said ... but if your look in ... Views: 1152
As promised, here is an over-view of the main essential vitamins and minerals, BUT, rather than take them in isolation it is better to take a good multi-vitamin and mineral tablet aimed specifically at the over 50s.
What it can do for you, for example -
Found in, for example ... Views: 2028