Discover How to Look and Feel Like a Teenager... No Matter What Your Age
Breakthrough Anti-Aging Study Reveals the Possibility of Staying Young, Playful and Enthusiastic – Even as You Hit 80 and Beyond...
Dear Health Conscious Reader,
When I was in med school 25 years ago, a small group ... Views: 2209
Did you know there are a few simple nutrients that you can take to help you get rid of migraines for good?
If you or a loved one suffers from migraines, you know that most people pop a pill and sleep the pain away in a dark room.
And many of them deal with terrible side effects like ... Views: 3587
A few of my patients have asked me what I think about the latest news that prostate screening tests – known as PSA tests – are inaccurate.
It turns out that less than one in three men with high amounts of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in their bloodstream wind up having prostate ... Views: 2305
Resveratrol has age-defying power.1 It switches on the genes your body naturally uses to extend life under conditions of stress (like starvation). They’re called "sirtuins." They slow the death timer that’s ticking in every cell in your body.
This gives your cells time to repair ... Views: 1830