Roses have trellises to support them. Buildings have scaffolding, then infrastructure. Even bicycles have training wheels. What kind of support do you have?
Somehow, many people hold a rugged, independent notion that they can make it on their own. Citizens of the United States love ... Views: 1394
Did you notice the Christmas decorations going up on Halloween? Did a chill run down your spine? The holiday season seems to be getting longer and longer and shorter. Yes, shorter. Look at the expectations this season puts on you. Fifty five days are nowhere near enough to achieve Countessa ... Views: 1252
On the occasion of my 62nd birthday - well, actually, the two weeks prior to the event - I decided it was time for a short depression. I earned it. I was entitled. And I was going to wallow a bit. This was followed by a two-week celebration, so it all balanced out, and the whole experience is ... Views: 1378
Sinking or Soaring at Midlife?
Midlife! That wonderful period of confusion, reassessment, stuckness and change …. Welcome!
Midlife is a normal developmental life stage. It can be a positive and mindful process of the whole person you will be for your second adulthood. It cannot be avoided. ... Views: 1504