Friday started out great. A few of the ladies in my family came over to decorate and prepare for my neice's wedding shower planned for the next day.
Just after the ladies went home, it started to rain. The rain turned into a raging thunder storm. My whole neighborhood lost electricity. At ... Views: 1367
I broke free from a busy morning to grab a quick lunch at my favorite little sandwich place. While ordering a tasty broccoli cheddar soup and sandwich, I saw them - luscious chocolate brownie wedges displayed on a crisp white dish behind the glass counter.
I love chocolate too much for my own ... Views: 950
Passive income comes from money that flows in when you are not actively working. It comes to you through things like automated online product sales, book royalties or rent checks. Did you know there are passive ways to give great customer service? You can gain a wealth of happy customers by ... Views: 1335
Years ago I took Non-Violent Communication (NVC) training. During an early session, the instructor pulled out a giraffe puppet, and a set of jackal ears which she put on her head. I wondered what in the world she was doing. She explained that whenever you take offense or get annoyed with ... Views: 1066
I sat on a cold cement bench, with paper and pencil in hand. My college assignment: to observe the apes at the Detroit Zoo. I sat in front of an indoor cage that held a massive silver-back gorilla. For fifteen minutes I watched as he sat expressionless on the floor. I couldn’t believe he could ... Views: 888
Moods can be contagious. Imagine you have a throbbing toothache. You sit down in the dentist’s chair in pain. The dentist enters the room in a cheerful mood. If you catch the dentist’s mood, you relax a bit and he breezes through the procedure. If the dentist catches your mood, what would ... Views: 1409
One child takes off his boots at the back door. The other, leaves a trail of muddy water across the kitchen floor. At times like this, it is tempting to compare siblings; “Donna, look at the mess you made! Why can’t you be more like your brother? He knows better than to walk through the house ... Views: 4734