How the skills learned in NLP can be incorporated and applied in business…
When people hear NLP for the first time they tend to imagine some ‘new age’ fuzzy fluffy thing. NLP is a methodology. It is a group of skills and tools that we all use all of the time, just most of it is done ... Views: 910
When you take a look at a simple business model or a business plan, there is no reason why anyone in business should not succeed at what they are doing!! It is, after all quite simple.
However the list of why businesses fail is quite a long list, but if you analyse this list, you will find ... Views: 2695
That depends on whether you feel "fluffy" is important in business. NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is fluffy, only in the sense that it deals with the human factor. If making your staff feel motivated, appreciated and valued is something that you are not interested in, then yes NLP is too ... Views: 976