There's no getting around it, stress is a fact of life. So, if it is such a given, how is it that some people are calm while chaos swirls around them, and others are on the verge of 'losing it'? It comes down to a matter of choice. We can use chose to stress to our advantage (if we know HOW to ... Views: 1297
I was recently asked to comment on the topic of stress relief for an article about celebrity breakdowns. It got me thinking about what we can learn from the celebs' all-too-public reactions to stress.
Here are three tips that will help you (and any celebrity friends you many have) to reduce ... Views: 1701
A New Journey Begins: Anxious? Overwhelmed? Stressed? Don't Give Up!
September: the month of change. Kids start a new grade orembark on their university or college careers while newgraduates seek their first full-time job and adults start anew job or project. Emotions run high during this time ... Views: 1530
Ronnie Nijmeh,
Vladimir from Serbia and Montenegro had a great question:
"Results are only one important piece of the puzzle, but there'sone thing that I'm missing. You have to feel a strong desire todo what you want. You must be "starving" for success. But how canwe make ourselves ... Views: 6532
What makes a great communicator so persuasive? What makes the best leader motivational? How does one become a great, inspirational leader?
"I wasnt a great communicator, but I communicated great things."--Reagan in his farewell address as president.
Voice Their Dreams A great leader is able to ... Views: 9406
Ready? Go! Tweak.
Author: Ronnie Nijmeh,
Let's set the scene. You're in a packed stadium. It's theOlympics and you're watching the 100-metre sprint. You're up inthe nosebleed section and you see what resembles little "ants"stretching on the field as they prepare for their 10-second ... Views: 1451
What if I told you that you could be more influential and
powerful and all you'll have to remember one simple thing?
To persuade your people, all you have to do is: "Cook their favorite meal before they're hungry..."
You're thinking, "What? Sure buddy, that makes no sense!"
Well hang on, ... Views: 2303
"90% of the positives are lost because you were too shy to ask."
Have you ever wanted something so much but were to afraid to ask? Or have you ever thought of all the negative responses and convinced yourself that a "no" answer was an inevitability so you never bothered to take the first step? ... Views: 1406
When you fall, do you get right back up? Do you learn from your mistake and move on? Or do you kick yourself so hard in the butt that you just mope around for days in your PJs and wonder why you're so miserable? Come on! Get a grip!
Okay, okay, that was uncalled for, but seriously, the more ... Views: 6618
When you fall, do you get right back up? Do you learn from your mistake and move on? Or do you kick yourself so hard in the butt that you just mope around for days in your PJs and wonder why you're so miserable? Come on! Get a grip!
Okay, okay, that was uncalled for, but seriously, the more ... Views: 1419
Have you wanted to accomplish something for a long time but have had trouble starting? Was it because you didn't know what to do? Or maybe you weren't "in the mood"? Or perhaps you told yourself, "not today, maybe tomorrow." Well, you're failing yourself and let me tell you why.
We all love to ... Views: 1129