7000 years ago, or so, Sadashiva, the founder of yoga, said that one of the seven secrets of spiritual success is to have a balanced mind.
What does this mean? One should not have a superiority complex, nor should one have an inferiority complex. Everyone knows that a big ego is an impediment ... Views: 1947
We all begin our lives with a lot of hope for the future. In this game of life some people reach their goals and end up satisfied that they have made the best use of their existence on earth, and others die in frustration. The difference between success and failure is often in having proper ... Views: 1259
We all begin our lives with a lot of hope for the future. In this game of life some people reach their goals and end up satisfied that they have made the best use of their existence on earth, and others die in frustration. The difference between success and failure is often in having proper ... Views: 779
If you are currently a smoker, quitting the habit could be one of the most important things you will ever do in the next part of your life. In fact, if you quit now, you will most likely be adding seven years to your life.
While many people try to quit and fail, it is not an impossible task. ... Views: 962
These days whenever a politician repeats a promise over and over again commentators say that this promise has become a “mantra” for that politician. For the journalists, the word “mantra” means a meaningless phrase that is repeated endlessly. For yogis however, a mantra is a word or collection ... Views: 1047
The goal of human life, according to yogis and sages, is to unite one’s individual consciousness with the Supreme Consciousness. This union of one’s small “I” with the Cosmic “I” is also known as yoga. Anyone who has ever tried to meditate knows that achieving the final goal of yoga is not as ... Views: 1199
There is no way around it, if you want to lose weight you have to be active. Recently a study was done focusing on people who owned dogs. It was found that the dog-owners, who were obliged to take their dogs for a walk every day, lost up to 14 pounds because of this extra activity. 14 pounds is ... Views: 1182
As good as modern medical technology is, it can never save you from the problems caused by a life style that is unhealthy. Instead of getting a modern medical fix for every problem, it is far better to live in such a way that you will hardly ever fall ill.
An ounce of prevention is certainly ... Views: 1151
Many people buy books on yoga and meditation, but never get into the regular practice of these methods. It is not only true for yoga, there must be millions of self-help and self-instruction manuals of all types gathering dust on shelves around the world. So if you are in this position, don’t ... Views: 1334
People come to yoga looking for various things: peace of mind, stress reduction, improved concentration, and weight loss. Yoga can help you to accomplish all of this, but “yoga works, if you work!” You have to do the practices on a regular basis in order to get the results
If you have bought ... Views: 1194
Although the practice of yoga has become widespread during the last 30 years, there are still quite a few misconceptions about this ancient method of self-transformation. Here is a brief survey of the most common myths about yoga, and a look at what yoga is really all about.
1. Yoga is a ... Views: 9075
Meditation students often come to me and ask what they can do to improve their meditation. Success in meditation is not the result of any one single factor but depends on sustained and systematic effort over a period of time. However, there are a few tips for meditation, that will help you to ... Views: 1240