Twitter is a great free tool that can transform your approach to fundraising. And in a time of economic uncertainty, a free tool is a welcome help!
Twitter: A Brief Introduction
At its most basic level, Twitter is called "microblogging." You get 140 characters to get your message across. ... Views: 1436
I often get asked by start-up nonprofits how to raise money. The panic of making budget seems to make raising money impossible without knowing someone rich and famous like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet. But fundraising isn’t impossible. It can an incredibly exciting adventure. Here is a simple ... Views: 1472
If you are not strategizing your giving with your advisors, you may inadvertently be paying tax on your charitable gifts according to Marc A. Pitman, director of the Inland Foundation, Inland Hospital’s fundraising subsidiary. “Accountants, tax strategists, attorneys, and insurance agents are ... Views: 1220
Is your website getting the results you desire? Is it increasing your business or merely draining your bank account? Can your customers go to your home page and know exactly what you want them to do? Or are they confused with a myriad of options and animations?
The Big Red Fez
A couple years ... Views: 1372
Asking people for money is one of the most exciting things in the world. Most of us aren’t fortunate enough to earn a living working on something we love. What we do as fundraisers is help show people ways they can take their hard earned money and invest it into something they value.
I like to ... Views: 4030
Have you ever thought of your alumni relations activities as the preeminent part of your school’s advancement effort? Or do your colleague have an “I-suppose-it’s-important-but-I’m-not-really-sure-what-they-do” mentality about your staff? Far too often, alumni relations is seen as a second-class ... Views: 1448
Wouldn’t it be nice to tell donors what to say when they talk about your nonprofit? The Rule of Threes won’t let you control what people say, but it will give you an edge. Use it, and you will be giving them “mini-scripts” that will come to mind when they talk to their friends, colleagues and ... Views: 2738
We’ve read it all before. Exercise is good for us. 20 minutes of aerobic exercise, three times a week will increase our energy levels and change our life. If we want to have a long and enjoyable life, we need to be intentional about our physical fitness. If we want to lose weight, we need to ... Views: 2073