The XIVth International symposium of speleotherapy took place in Romania on October 4-6, 2012. The symposium was held under the aegis of The International Union of Speleology (UIS), The Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Committees of The Permanent Commission of Speleotherapy (PCS) - ... Views: 1352
Salt therapy is gaining massive popularity worldwide with artificial salt rooms being set up and in home salt therapy devices developed to help those suffering from a range of respiratory conditions.
Salt therapy originated in salt mines centuries ago, when it was observed that salt mine ... Views: 2115
by Livia Tiba – Classical Homeopath
The origins of salt therapy lie in Eastern and Central Europe and can be traced back to the mid 19th Century, when a Polish health official, Dr. Felix Boczkowski, noticed that the workers of salt mines never became ill with any lung diseases.
Since that ... Views: 1681